I thought the game sets up perfectly for a Batman Beyond game in the future.
I've just finished the game(100%). Going for the platinum next. Arkham Asylum is still my favorite!
I'm gonna miss the Arkham games a lot! Arkham and Mass Effect games are by far my favorites games of all time.
Really excited for the next projects (Rocksteady and WB Montreal).
I've read that marvel is going to announce something next year. Hopefully as good as Arkham. Some Competition is always good
Comic Con 2015: Marvel Has Plans for Future Console Games - IGN
Okay I'm going to use some spoiler tags here
Pturtle, I think what Ryan means is that with the 100% ending we see the new Batman, and Ryan, as are many of us, are Curious if that's Bruce or not. It doesn't take away from the ending they gave this particular story but actually makes your imagination as to who this could go a little crazy.
There is however an allusion to the new Batman before the ending. If you Beat the Main story before going to beat finish all the riddler trophies and take on the Riddler, I'm assuming this is how most people did it, there's a conversation between Selina and Bruce after the fight where Bruce says Gotham needs something more than Batman now, more of a Myth.
Bruce is basically saying that now that he's been outted the next protector of Gotham will have to be even more Mythical and more of Legend than he was because if someone just shows up in a Batsuit they're going to assume it's him. Which is why at the very end of the Game the Batman that attacks those thugs is in fact more mythical looking and scarier than Batman was previously.
This of course leads me to believe it is Bruce and he’s just taken Batman to another level, but it could also be someone Bruce has picked to replace him and given some new element to frighten criminals once again, but that's just my speculation
That seems to be the popular theory right now, but to me the it doesn’t justify such a vague ending that we have to piece together, especially after having to work so hard to unlock it. Theres just more questions after the game than answers in my opinion. What happens to Bruce? Where did he go after he faked his death? Did he really fake his death? If he didn’t, then they certainly should have found his and Alfred’s body in the explosion, and if that was indeed Bruce as Batman at the end, are we supposed to believe he’s Batman 24/7 now? What about Alfred then? How does faking his death somehow protect Robin, Oracle, Nightwing, and Jim Gordon? As long as they continue fighting crime they are at risk.
I think it would have been better if at the end Batman realized he could trust Robin, Nightwing, and Oracle to watch over Gotham in his place, but the end just seems too abruptly, it really doesn’t offer much closure at all.
That's because it's an end to the Arkham story, not an end to the Batman story which is why you see Batman at the end. If you remember, He tells **** to keep Bludhaven safe, which **** Promises to do, So Nightwing goes back to Bludhaven. Tim Marries Barbara, now if they remain in the crime fighting game or not is another story to tell. Gordon becomes Mayor of Gotham. They Are all safe because with the death of Bruce Wayne/Batman and the Destruction of the Manor all his secrets go with him. So there's no more revenge to be taken, no more secrets to find. As for what Bruce/Batman Does, well again, that’s another story.
What's View attachment 196652 doing next ?![]()
Crushing those toytles. No but really we need a good tmnt game and people wanted rocksteady to do it for awhile
Okay, so I'm REALLY trying to hit 100% in the game, and I've been taking it pretty damn slow. I'm at 89% in the main story now, and have completed everything except for "Take Back the Streets" as well as the street bombs and Riddler. Basically, I did everything up until they were X'd out on my screen because the main story needed to progress.
So tomorrow I'll start chipping away at the militia groups once again! And I'll only do the main story if I need to do it in order to unlock another part to get it to 100%. This way I can complete the entire game at 100%!
Let me tell you guys something you probably already know...The Riddler is the worst. I mean, do they think it's fun collecting SO MANY trophies? And it makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE that trophies are hidden in places that The Riddler would have NO idea that you'd end up in because he has nothing to do with said...story aspect. It's so terrible.
Not only that, but there are SO many!!! 250 or something! It's insane! I've never felt LESS like Batman just running around hitting UP constantly until I figure out what the answer is. Or the exact angle I need to shoot the riddle at. I've gotten to the point where I'm just checking online for the locations because it's ridiculous to think I'm going to spend this much time as Batman, looking for these riddles, when so much more urgent stuff needs taken care of.
I think it'd be a LOT better had they just kept it to the Catwoman storyline, as well as maybe a dozen or so riddles that need you to actually think (not just a trophy in an air vent, but those ones where you need to work out something to open a grate) so that it doesn't take 3 hours of driving around everywhere just doing nothing until you can fight him.
That's just me ventingI'm loving the game so far, but I was excited to fight the Riddler back when I saved Catwoman...now it's just so mundane. 250 or so riddles? And 50% of them aren't even riddles? But just hidden trophies? Ugh. Brutal! Totally takes away from the game when you're aiming for 100%.
ALL THAT said...man, am I tempted to get a Prime 1 Arkham Knight now!I mean, if you didn't know it was Jason Todd by how much they bashed you over the head with a crowbar hinting at it throughout, then I guess you need to pay more attention!
But still, it was done so well at the reveal! I loved it. And it made Todd a badass! I'm not sure I'd go through with it with so much on deck order wise, but it'd be really tempting! But I think the only way I'd REALLY be fully tempted would be if there are three swap out heads. They need the Knight one, the Red Hood one, and just his headsculpt. That would make it REALLY tough.
Anyway, I'm really enjoying the story so far, so I'm looking forward to where it goes from here!! I just finished the reveal of Todd, so I know I'm closer to the end, but I'm still avoiding all spoilers! I just wanted to come here and vent my Riddler frustrations.Just such a silly gimmick they've done in every game that I've never enjoyed.
I'll just say two things, 1. There are certain conversations you'll have with people in the side missions if you beat the main story first. 2. Dude didn't you play Arkham City? That had 440 Riddler Trophies, 243 is a walk in the park.
I'm really enjoying the game much more on my second play through, BUT - I still find myself with so many unanswered questions regarding the story.....
To name just a few;
1. Why did Jason ally himself with Scarecrow? He had the knowledge and skill to take his revenge on Batman alone. And Scarecrow actually hindered his plan if anything, constantly stopping him from killing Batman. What did he gain from this alliance? What brought them together? Who contacted who first? If it's because Jason wanted to engulf the city in fear gas as Crane did, then why? What did he gain from that? If it was just to torture and humiliate Batman, then why ally with Crane? He could do that alone and not have Scarecrow hindering his ultimate goal.
Similarly, why did Scarecrow team with Knight? Did he even know who the Knight was? Or why he wanted Batman dead so much? Crane certainly didn't know who Batman was. Why did he trust Knight?
Actually I believe that Jason knows he does not have the skills to take down Batman alone, that's the entire reason for allying himself with Scarecrow and the other villains and throwing an entire Army at Batman. He's trying to wear him down and he knows that's about the only way you're going to get him, by making him make the mistake. I also don't think Jason funded the army, he was Dead, he had no Money, I believe Crane and the others put in the cash to kill the Batman. After all, it'd be worth it to get him out of the way. If you remember Oracle tracks Jason putting the army together in South America, and says they're well funded. Also, Jason is revenge crazed but not totally homicidal, he knows the City would be evacuated with Crane's threat, he's not rolling his army in there to kill innocent people, criminals and Batman, sure but not the people of Gotham. And Also in the story Crane asks Knight "Who he is, and why he wants Batman dead" multiple times, so no Crane does not know who the Knight is, but he also knows the Knight wants him dead and might have the skills to do it along with an inner working of Batman's operations.
2. Who funded the army? Is it ever explicitly stated? Jason commands them, but did he fund them? If so, again, why did he need them if all he wanted was revenge against Batman? He could do it alone. When he reverts to Red Hood, why doesn't he disband the army? Why does Deathstroke take over and why do the army follow him? They're happy to just switch leaders without question? Also, what motivation did the army have to follow Knight, come to Gotham, kill Batman and take control of the City? That's some serious risk there, so why did they believe in this cause? Well as I said above, I doubt Jason funded them and they're Mercs, they're being paid a good some to come to Gotham and kill the Batman. The Army goes under Scarecrows control after Knight is defeated and Scarecrow puts Slade in Charge after that. And They're Mercs, as long as they're being paid, what do they care who the leader is, although if you listen to some the radio chatter not all of them are happy about it.
3. Why did Batman use the old film studios as a base? It didn't seem to have much in the way of security considering it had a Batcomputer in there. Why not just use the Batcave? If it was just for convenience for the game, then why a film studio? Why not a small Batcave like the one on Arkham Island? Also, why did he keep Harley in there and not take her to GCPD with the other villains?(That actually disappointed me as I really wanted to see her in the lock up with the other rogues.)
And, what ever happened to Harley? Is she still in there now, forgotten about and rotting away after Batman 'died'? Is that Batcomputer still there? Or did he blow up the film studios as well as Wayne Manor? Batman has always had more than one base of operations in Gotham, the Film Studio is where he was housing the Joker victims, I'm sure he wanted to keep it separate from the Batcave for Security reasons. This way he has a computer there to work from but doesn't risk everything being out in the open. The Batcave is all the way back at Wayne Manor, you can see it from certain vantage points around the city, to have to travel back and forth between them would have been a pain and he already has both the Film studios with a working computer, the clock tower and Wayne Tower, all that house certain things he can get instead of traveling all the way back to Wayne manor and the batcave. As for Harley, Robin knows she's there and I doubt he just left her there and I'm sure he also took care of any "evidence" left behind once Bruce "died".
4. What happened to Wayne Enterprises and Lucious Fox? What happened to Hush? Easy, once Bruce died I'm sure Lucious called the GCPD to pick up Hush, he only was to keep him there to keep the secret, that's gone now.
5. Why don't Gordon or Robin do anything to stop Scarecrow in the Asylum at the end? The two of them could easily overpower Scarecrow who has his back to them for a good while before he gets the gun out. And more importantly, why did they even stay in the room there before Scarecrow arrived? There was no-one else in the room or thugs watching over them. They could've hidden and ambushed Scarecrow. I don't know if you noticed but Robin was kinda slumped over in that chair, he had obviously been worked over pretty good and I doubt he was in any condition to do anything. As For Gordon, well we do not know what took place in that room before Scarecrow entered with Batman.
6. Regarding the Knightfall Protocol - Assuming Bruce faked his death, once he returned did he think no-one would assume he faked his death? Will he have to tell every criminal he beats up from now on "btw I'm not Bruce Wayne I'm someone new"? Is using the fear gas his way of making people think it's not him? WE all assume it's Bruce with new tricks, so why wouldn't the criminals of Gotham?
And if the point of all this was to protect "all who follow him", now 'a Batman' is back what's to stop criminals going after the 'old Batman's' allies to thwart this 'new Batman'? Surely the new Batman would still need to come and save them regardless. Again this goes Back to what Bruce told Selina, that the new protector of Gotham would have to be more of a Legend/myth than he ever was. If it looks like a creature and not just some guy in a suit then they being, "Superstitious and cowardly lot", are going to see a creature, not a Batman, like before. I can already hear the radio Chatter in game, "If Bruce Wayne is dead, what the hell is this thing???"
And a couple of nit-picky 'for-the-sake-of-gameplay' questions:
1. When Batman is stopping the Two-Face thugs and he has to do it before they take a certain amount of cash, why doesn't he just use the Batmobile remotely to destroy the garbage trucks they're using? Job done. This I can't answer, probably because that defeats the whole purpose of it being challenging.
2. Why does Batman let Firefly get away after a beatdown? He's got ice-greneades, batarangs, a batclaw.... so many things to stop him flying away again. While Bruce can do some amazing things I imagine it's hard to hit an object that's in flight with any of those things especially while traveling at rocket speed to get away from him
Anyway, as I said I'm enjoying the game much more this time around. The story has flaws, and some characters are severely underused, but the gameplay is great and the city is stunning. Overall I'd have to say my favorite of the trilogy is still Arkham City.
Arkham City was a bust for me for how I played it...I was loving it all, and then I did too much of the main story and triggered the final fight. So after that was done, Joker was dead, Gotham was "safe" and Batman said, "There's still more work to be done," and I said, "Nah, it's done."
Not on purpose! But the city felt so quiet after the finale. And the thugs talking made less sense, and all that jazz. So I never found Freeze's wife, I never found the assassin. LOTS I didn't do. Made me kinda sad, especially since I know certain parts are coming back this time around. I know they're doing an HD set for the game, so I'll definitely give it another go the full time next time I play!
As for this one, I just heard that you get the best ending if you complete it at 100%! But it looks like I may have read it SOMEWHAT wrong...looks like you can complete the main mission, but there'll be even more of an ending if you go back and finish every single mission. Which by that point would basically be the Riddler missions, I'd think.
You left the Riddler loose in Arkham city?? That's not very Batman like!
As for the ending of Arkham Knight, you get a partial ending if you just complete the main mission and choose to end the game right there, but, if you want the whole ending you have to 100% all the side missions which includes Riddler.
I think I just dislike how the trophies are hidden all over in pointless areas. I think it'd be better if you had a couple of dozen actual riddles to solve that made it feel more like a plan (like the Catwoman story!) over just...tacked on blah. But that may just be me!![]()