I must say that, when I first saw it, I was ecstatic about the '89 skins, and, in a lot of ways, I still am, but they promised 6 months of support and content, and, thus far, one of those months is now nothing but skins. I presume these aren't the only skins we're getting, so, just how many more "skin months" can we expect? A third of their promised content has been released or detailed for release, and I'm really not seeing $40 quite yet. On top of that, I worry about how much substantial content Rocksteady can create when they're devoting all of their energy to fixing the PC version of the game (I'm definitely glad about that; that's how you do things, WB Montreal).
I don't know. I may hold out a few months longer and see what happens. It's going to be hard to look at people playing with this 89 stuff, though.

Also, does anyone else want Rocksteady to create a photo mode for the game. It's so cinematic, and it's kind of disappointing that, when you're gliding, you can only see the back of the cape, or when you're crouched on a ledge, if you move the camera too far, Batman moves with it so that you can never see his face. I just think that, for a game with such detail, it'd definitely be awesome to be able to stage things and take advantage of that detail.