This is why I dont have a problem when another company takes over another game.
Sometimes, the original developer, just gets lost...and tries to make sure they do a different formula, that they lose track on why their game was great in the first place.
People always raise hell and are biased whenever another company takes over, when sometimes, they can step back and bring a better approach to a game.
Like Silent Hill. Since most of the games after 2 were not made by Team Silent, every single one has been bashed, but I enjoyed almost all the Silent Hills.
Just like this game, people have blasted Origins for not being Rocksteady, when Ironically, my favorite out of all the games is Origins. I've beat that game about 7 times now. And AC, about 3.
My last post on this thread, I was raving about how glorious this game is. Well, I almost want to take it back. After about 60-70% of the storyline, it did a quick 180, and it has been a very long time that I seriously wanted to throw my controller.
Its like Rocksteady got lost in its ways of delivering a great game.
I understand making some things, very challenging. It makes you think...find the pattern, there's a method to the madness in beating a hard level.
Not on this game. Some of the things in this game, you just have to pray and hope that with some blind luck, you can finish the level.
When you constantly see game over, and over, and over, and over...its not fun!!! Towards the end of the game, I wasnt enjoying it as much anymore.
For the first time, I actually thought of trading in this game while it still has value, and this is the game that made me buy a ps4.
I'm almost finished with the game. So I'll give it another try cause I definitely want to play it with the Keaton batman skin.
Maybe after the 2nd play, I'll enjoy it again.
But you really have to question Rocksteady approach on this game.
I agree with you guys, didnt they think that 99% of the people who are excited to see that you can finally play the 89 batmobile, wants to be able to play that on the regular game?