Looks like battle mode for the 89 Batmobile is confirmed so that pretty much confirms it is playable for storymode.... There is no way in hell you can get 33 stars with just race tracks, just no way...
Was wondering if anyone has had the same problem I've encountered on the ps4 version of the game: even though I have the standard batsuit equipped during my new game+ playthrough it's not taking any damage as I go through the story. I'm absolutely certain I don't have the "clean" version of he suit equipped so I was wondering if it's some glitch other people have dealt with.
More proof,unless we are getting more racing maps included with the 89 pack it's almost gotta have some sort of Battle mode, how else would we be able to get 33 stars.
It looks promising, no way does 33 AR stars would be relegated to just driving sections. That being said, I'd rather set myself to disappointment if it isn't and the pack is just around the corner. Any day now.
I do wonder how the 89 Batmobile would actually get around parts of the city if it were available in the main story. There's no way that car is making it up some of those hills and ramps.... it'd get stuck for sure!
The same would go for the BTAS Batmobile if they do that one, which I assume they will in the future. I'm kinda wondering if maybe that's part of the reason why we're getting custom race-tracks for these "classic Batmobiles packs", so the roads are flatter and easier to traverse. Though it doesn't explain how we are supposed to get 33 AR stars if there's only two maps.... unless we're supposed to wait until more Batmobiles and maps have been released?
I dunno.... I'm just very weary of these classic Batmobiles being in the main story or having any kind of battle mode.
I guess the only scenes where it will have intimation problems are the the ones where the Batmobiles goes underground beneath Wayne Tower to be upgraded. Those robot hands do move in accordance to the chassis of the AK Batmobile.
Just keep in mind that RS hasn't confirmed anything and all of the news about it not being in story mode isn't set in stone. It could really go both ways so my advice is to set your expectations to "medium".