Jameson Rook
Super Freak
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- Sep 10, 2012
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gonna start up tonight
gonna start up tonight
Here is a video guide from arkham videos on youtube., it should all the firefighters and how to bring them up.This game is driving me ****in crazy
How do you unlock the firefighters on bleak island? I pick that mission but their are no firefighters
Do I have to do something else prior?
I've come to the conclusion that I really want to see ThreeZero get this license. I'm sick of Hot Toys not doing anything with the City license, and I'd like to see a company that would actually give a **** about the property do something with it. I look at that Prime1 stuff and I'm like, "dammit! Why can't I be rich, too?"
Your right. Prime 1 looks great but unless your slinging that blue crystal your not getting alot of those and hot toys is becoming a slave to Disney so threezero seems like the best option. They are doing all the obscure and out there properties people want
I've come to the conclusion that I really want to see ThreeZero get this license. I'm sick of Hot Toys not doing anything with the City license, and I'd like to see a company that would actually give a **** about the property do something with it. I look at that Prime1 stuff and I'm like, "dammit! Why can't I be rich, too?"
I'd love to see 1/6 figures from this game, but surprisingly- my most wanted figure of the entire cast is.. Batgirl? Yeah, that costume is amazing! It's like a female Bale suit.
Just finished this game, and got the second ending. Erm...
Batman's supposed death, and the demon bat didn't make sense at all. It was way too ambiguous. Did Batman actually die? Was it Azrael who took the form of Batman? What the hell did Batman even prepare for Operation Knightfall? There should have been a much better sense of finality with the storyline. Dare I say... even TDKR was handled a bit better.
That is the kind of in depth thinking the ending is supposed to illicit, imo, people always want things spoon fed and I think with as guarded a character as the Batman this ending was actually good. People may like it or not but months later they are still talking about it.I was furious with the ending, for the first few days I thought it sucked. I took a step back and realize it was a deliberate decision, here's my take on it (hang on thought, it's gonna be awhile):
- The thugs always complain about how much the Bruce Wayne reveal sucked, which echoes the player sentiments. Having Batman running around with his identity exposed is pretty much a death sentence and ruins the character IMO. This is important as it shows it's deliberate rather than incompetent writing.
- Bruce can't continue his crusade as Batman anymore due to the obvious legal implications. Now that Gotham has a face to go with the Bat, you'll be damn be sure that Bruce will face tons of criminal and legal charges. Wayne Enterprise will most likely not survive if the company doesn't unanimously give Bruce the boot, as it was illegally funding Batman's activities. Every person who has shares will vote Wayne out to save the company. In short, Bruce won't be making much money from now on.
- Every person close to Wayne and and all his personal and businesses endeavors will be go trough like a fine tooth comb. His fortunes will be legally frozen and there certainly will be a warrant for his arrest and a search warrant for all his properties, including the Batcave.
- In short, Bruce can't be Batman, he's out of money and he knows people will target Alfred, Fox, Barbara, Tim, Grayson ad even Vicky Vale, who was dating him during the events of AK.
- The Knightfall protocol is a contingency in case his cover is blown. However, what it exactly entails is unknown.
- Here's the tricky part- whether of not the mansion being blown up was part of the protocol isn't made clear. It could be that the protocol was meant to be something else, but someone got to Wayne before he could set his plan in motion. Take your pick.
- Calendar Man promised that he will end Batman and that he will "be with him at the very end" in a conversation in Arkham City. He was there at the gates of Wayne Manor.
- Bruce is dead or pretends to be. Again, take your pick. A new Batman shows up much later (as evident by the passing of time where Barbara and Tim are getting married and Jim becomes mayor).
- The thugs clearly still are relishing that Bruce is Batman, as all the fear they had for him is long gone, even when the "Batman" appears in the end.
- The "Batman" spread his wings, revealing himself to have supernatural powers. The thugs are left terrified. The game ends.
Fans are making a gazillion theories as to who that figure is, saying it's Wayne since the Bat-symbol is the same and that he's just using the fear toxin now. While these theories are great and all, many are trying to be scientifically accurate rather than looking into the art of what the story is trying to say. I think the point that the story is twofold:
1) Gotham will ALWAYS needs a Batman. This point was demonstrated vividly and quite beautifully in the Justice League episode "Epilogue" where the BTAS Bats has a kidney failure and Amanda Waller states how important "A Batman" is to the world. It was also expressed in Frank Miller's TDKR, though without the ambiguity of Arkham Knight's ending.
2) The player's tenure as Bruce Wayne/Batman has effectively ended. There will be NO games to succeed this as we're not allowed to know what methodologies this Batman uses, let alone his secret identity. Having that figure going with a face only creates hope that the player will be allowed to play as said Batman in a future game/DLC.
Does it matter who or what that figure is? I don't think so when you take into account those two points and what they accomplish and when I noticed that, I significantly mellowed down and accepted the ending. Is it my favorite ending to a Batman story? No, that award will forever be held in high regard by Epilogue. But at least the Arkham Bats didn't gave up crime fighting to be with Selina Kyle at an Italian cafe.
The new DLC ( Crime Fighter Pack) is available via PSN Europe Store
- 4 Combat Challenges
- 2 Predator Challenges
for a game series that I've absolutely loved since the beginning, I was kinda wishing for a 'batman standing over Gotham looking all bad ass cape blowing in the wind' ending. Call it simple and easy. But hell. Does everything always have to have such a complicated opinion interpretation driven ending? Give me something simple for once. Especially on this incredible game series. The ending kind of left a bland taste in my mouth.