Super Freak
Why in the world has this thread derailed into a Nolan/Burton feud? Can't we all just hate Schumacher and get on with our lives?
True enough the original Batman from Kane and Finger did kill but that only lasted a short time. The 1930's and 40's were a bit different but since about 1948 on the canon Batman in the comics has avoided killing, not that it hasnt happened through his actions but intentionally he doesnt and hasnt for 65 years. The only people that think he should are usually people that want him to mimic the Punisher instead of Batman. Hes also the worlds greatest detective, rivaling the likes of Sherlock Holmes when written well. Hes a criminologist, pathologist and chemist all rolled into one. Hes also one of the greatest martial artists in the world, trained on multiple disciplines and mastering most of them. Hes obessed with his mission but also dreams of day he wont havevtp do it, so would he quit, yes, if he thought he could. These are just a few of the elements that make up the character that has spanned 75 years. So out of all the things the comics, well pre-new52, BTAS and these video games all have these elements and more which is why they are all so good. Its also why none of the movies have come close because they only get ot about half right and only half the time.What is the "right"/"true" Batman like?
If we say that the "true" Batman would never kill - then Burton's and Nolan's are both definitely not Batman (several comic versions fail too).
If we say that the "true" Batman would never retire or quit being Batman - then yes, Nolan's isn't Batman -- and neither is the BTAS version (he quit at least three times in his career) and neither is the Arkhamverse version. And yup - comic Batman quit a bunch of times too. Heck, he's currently retired and living a "normal" life right now!
The thing is, there is no "perfect" version of Batman to measure any other version against to say that they aren't doing it "right". When we boil right down to it, there's very few essential elements common to almost every version of Batman in almost all media: rich kid Bruce Wayne witnesses his parents murder, trains his mind and body to his peak and fights crime dressed as a bat. That's all that's needed, period. Everything else is personal preference, not some "right", or "more accurate" Batman -- because there is none -- just a spectrum of Batman versions. And even those "essential" details have some wiggle room and the story can still be very recognizable as a Batman story.
Tell you what. **** Nolan and **** Burton, neither got even close to right and if you think they did you're wearing blinders. So go watch BTAS and shut up.
I'm Batman
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I got all the trophies recently. Cuz I'm bored.