Picked this up on sale on black Friday. Just finished it tonight 100% with full ending. That last Riddler race was a PITA. Tried and failed many many times. Finally hopped online to see if there was a secret. All I found was that was a lot easier in 1st person mode. So I tried it and passed on the 1st go.
I totally agree with what a lot of people say and that the batmobile was waaaaaay overdone. Yes have a few missions where it is necessary, but not 90% of them. I still flew over the city looking for trophies and missions, screw the car. Only used the car when I absolutely had to (which was a lot). One of the audio files has the Arkham Knight asking Scarecrow for $3Billion. If thats all there was then those tanks must have been about 50¢ each
The Joker made this game! I love how he showed up all over the place talking to you. Always on rooftops, so if you're one of those people who actually liked the car and used it all the time, you probably missed all of that. I haven't seen the game awards in a few years but if Mark Hamill has never won an award for his work in this series than they should just quit giving out awards, period.
When he started talking to Bats about Catwoman and he and Talia in hell... awesome!
Loved the Manbat scare too
Got some free DLC too
Harley story...Mmmmm Harleynaughty but altimately it sucked
Scarecrow missions. I was looking forward to those as I loved them in previous installments. Played one, oh wait, MORE car ****. Read the description of the 2nd=MORE car **** =PASS
Gameplay 7/10 solely due to the overuse of the batmobile
Graphics 10/10
Story 9.5/10 - minus .5 since I did not like the ending.
Arkham City is still the king!
1. Arkham City
2. Arkham Asylum
3. Arkhman Knight
4. Arkham Origins
Rehashed sequences tooFor me it's:
1) Asylum, it had the best Batman feel and atmosphere.
2) City, the tightest gameplay in the series.
3) Knight, best visuals and refinements.
4) Origins, best story and collection of bosses of them all, but rehashed gameplay.
Do I have to be online to access the season pass/dlc content after its been downloaded? I thought about downloading the season pass, but my ps4 is going to be disconnected (momentarily) from the internet in the near future.
I beat the DLC a few days ago. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Like previously mentioned by other people, I feel bad for Freeze. I'm glad he wasn't a villain again in this.
I was worried by the trailer, showing Freeze to be the bad guy again which contradicts his closure in AC but I'm glad it didn't turned out that way. Didju beat all of them?
Do I have to be online to access the season pass/dlc content after its been downloaded? I thought about downloading the season pass, but my ps4 is going to be disconnected (momentarily) from the internet in the near future.
Yeah, I did. I liked Croc, another tragic character. Rai's was alright, but I didn't care for Mad Hatter.
What happens if you try to kill Rai's? I saved him.
Yeah, I did. I liked Croc, another tragic character. Rai's was alright, but I didn't care for Mad Hatter.
What happens if you try to kill Rai's? I saved him.
Yeah, I did. I liked Croc, another tragic character. Rai's was alright, but I didn't care for Mad Hatter.
What happens if you try to kill Rai's? I saved him.
I did too, because I felt that was more in line with Batman's philosophy. But after experiencing that ending,I was really disappointed to see the effect of Batman trying in vain to keep his hands clean result in the unnecessary killing of Nyssa almost immediately-- so I rolled back to my other save and destroyed that jerk's Lazurus life support thingy. It was easy to justify it with Alfred's reasoning: you're not so much killing him as much as you're letting an unnaturally old man -- who happens to be a murderer -- finally die. Plus Nyssa sweetened the pot by promising to keep the League out of Gotham from now on if Batman lets Ra's expire. I was really glad they actually gave us a bit of moral choice here, even though it isn't really a tough call for me after seeing both outcomes.