This is actually the one game I'm glad I bought the season pass for. A lot of people complain that it isn't worth it but if you do the math, and I did, buying everything; skins, map packs, race tracks, Arkham Episodes and now Season of Infamy, all things I would have wanted anyway because with these games I just like having everything so I can play through the whole experience and change costumes and skins to my liking, it would have ran me almost $50 ala carte. So in a way, I saved almost $10 buying the pass. Which is fine with me.
This game to me wasn't the best in the series, but It was still a damn good game. The visuals, gameplay and soundtrack are what I've come to expect from the series even if the story wasn't the best I the series and some of the gameplay modes were a little harder to get used than normal. I still rate this as one of my favorite games of the year, easily and probably one of the better games of the last 10 years, as were all the games in the series.
I give it a solid 9/10 after playing through everything and all 6 months worth of DLC.
I'll spend the next little while trying to get any of the Achievements I missed, I'll try to drag out saying good bye to the Arkhamverse as long as I can, since we don't really know what we're getting next from WB Games Montreal or if what Telltale is going to deliver will in anyway measure up.