Super Freak
I'll be happy if they at least repeat the Origins formula of taking the Batwing to get to the Batcave, but they haven't mentioned anything about the Batwing have they?
Not necessarily, especially if these Batmobile models have already been in development concurrently with the main game and just not revealed yet, which is par for the course with DLC in this series. More Batmobile options wouldn't delay the stated release of the game anymore than Harley Quinn's Revenge or any of the other DLC in the Arkham series did--which is to say, no major delays at all in this series so far (knock on wood). Also, as I stated before, WB Games already has basic LOD models of several of these Batmobiles on file from their Batmobile game that RS could modify and port to this--maybe they even already have higher-res LOD versions ready to go too. Again, if they do this, it doesn't have to be ready to ship with the game on release day.
Very good points. I agree that's its a completely different case comparing the relative ease of making different Batsuits--with slight model shape variations--to completely different shaped models for the various Batmobiles. Since all of the Batmobiles have different shapes, the bounding boxes / collision detection would be tricky if they offered different Batmobiles for use in the main storyline...although, I think the Tumbler basic shape is close enough that it could use the same collision detection box.
And, even if alternate Batmobiles are unavailable for use in the main story, they can still release DLC missions that are designed to allow for their use--just like Robin and Nightwing weren't playable in AC main story, but could be freely selected for the challenge maps.
You're going on "what-ifs". There's isn't any information so far to know if they even considered different models for different Batmobiles, much less developed them. You're plainly using conjecture. The preorder bonus is just a variation of an already available model, just like the suits of City and Origins. It's much easier to develop a simple skin than an entirely different vehicle, especially if said vehicle is going to do what Rocksteady says it's going to do. Plus, I disagree about the Tumbler, it's radically different to the AK Batmobile as the 66 Batmobile is. The best bet is indeed DLC, but that's less than likely, considering the history of WB's post-game support.
If there are indeed more Batmobiles in the game, I'll be personally excited. However, based on what I see so far, I don't think that's happening. The best will be "Tribute skins". It'll be the same car, but in different skins to highlight the history of the Batmobiles.
Absolutely I agree that there is nothing definite at this early stage to point to there being alternate Batmobiles in the game. I'm just pointing out that it is not as far-fetched as some think it is, and providing a counter-argument to the position that they can't do it because it's too difficult or time consuming for them to build the alternate models and get the collision detection to work right. They absolutely can do it, especially if they had already started doing it long ago. If there were a host of variant Batmobiles / alternate Batmobile DLC to eventually be released, would you expect them to be shown to the public this early in the marketing cycle? When Arkham City was first advertised, they sat on the fact that Robin and Nightwing would be playable DLC for months. IIRC they tried to keep the Wayne Manor and Batcave challenge maps a secret for as long as possible before the launch date too. You may be quite right that there will be no other Batmobile versions available. All I am saying is that going by what we know RockSteady has done in the past: not marketing or even revealing some of the most enticing DLC (Robin, Nightwing, certain challenge maps, and Harley Quinn's Revenge) until closer to the game's release date (or even later)---DLC that they had to have been developing for a while (probably even concurrently developed with the main game)---I wouldn't be surprised at all if they had an interesting surprise or DLC that they haven't shown their cards for yet. Also, given the fact that this is their stated "final" Batman Arkham game, and that it's so Batmobile-centric, at least some of that DLC should also be focused on using the AK game-model Batmobile; or even other versions of Batman's car.
By the way, the already advertised alternate Batmobile is not a simple repaint/reskin of the one in the trailer, there are some differences in the shape. Of course, much more subtle than the differences between it and say, the 1989 Batmobile, but a different model nonetheless. They have already shown that they don't necessarily have to limit variant Batmobiles to just being repaints.
According to GameInformer's "hub" the next update about the game should hit today (they said they'd have week-long coverage). I wonder what it will be?
I still wish they would've addressed thugs a bit more; so, is that how you're going to avoid hitting them? By them running faster than a super-car and scurrying into alleys? Personally, I think a good way to do it is, if you're encroaching on them too fast (that you'd, likely, kill them, in real life), it automatically does the auto eject thing.
I hope you can customize the batmobile, put some chrome rims on it, some hydraulic suspension, Lamborghini doors.
Dude, how can you forget about the neon undercarriage lighting?
I hope you can customize the batmobile, put some chrome rims on it, some hydraulic suspension, Lamborghini doors.
Might sound stupid, but having skins for the bat mobile should be an awesome addition as well. Would love to have the animated series bat mobile to go with the animated series Batman skin.
Maybe even get the Dark Knight Trilogy skin with the Tumbler. That would be epic IMHO.