Waitlist 4 lyfe
The ex is listed.
For real?
The ex is listed.
The ex is listed.
For real?
Will this really come in December? There is a lot of stuff in the coming soon section.
I think it's been mentioned that the EXs are expected be shipped in waves during December, barring a port strike. The regulars may not arrive until January.
I think it's been mentioned that the EXs are expected be shipped in waves during December, barring a port strike. The regulars may not arrive until January.
Your walletI got an EX and Reg. So who fails now?
Who got a reg? EX or fail sirs. If this ships on the 15th for me then masaaaaybe get here before Christmas?
Hey guys. How does flew work with shipping? My last payment is on the 25th. Will they ship it out after they receive the final payment? I seen a post a few days ago in which they sent the statues out before the last payment. I'm just wondering because if i have to waitI I'm just going to pay the bad boy off tomorrow morning when they open.
I know lol it's 7 days at the best of times but at Christmas? Not likely
I just got the dreaded email. My Batman and Superman final payments were pushed to January.