finally got my batman bvs pf last week. been crazy busy at work so haven't had time to talk about it here.
first off, the reports of the likeness being off are unfortunately true. this looks nothing like affleck. and i'd say the fault is primarily due to the awful paint app. from certain angles (especially the side profile) i can kinda see affleck in there, but the piss-poor rendering of the stubble and the fish-lips paint really obliterate any resemblance to the actor. this issue was serious enough for me to consider selling off this piece.
but then, there are other aspects of this pf that save it. quite a few in fact. for one, the suit looks phenomenal. the sculpt really captures the fabric-like qualities of the frank miller-inspired suit, with its creases, folds, textures and seams. then the paintwork here totally seals the illusion of fabric, with a fantastic black wash coupled with weathering that catches the light beautifully. this is honestly one of the best paint apps i've seen on a costume by sideshow. which makes their face paint bungle all the more puzzling. the textures on the cowl, gloves, utility belt and boots are also pretty good, and i noticed something in person that have not showed up in any pics so far. the bat insignia has a glossy outline around it that makes the shape stand out against the light. it's quite a cool little detail.
then there's the cape, which to me is a mixed bag. the material looks and feels high-quality, but i don't like the weathered hem of the cape. i know they were trying to make it look torn and tattered but it's too uniform to be convincing. and lastly, the pose is quite dynamic, especially from a side angle.
so all in all, the plus points of this piece are just about enough to make up for the crappy likeness caused by bad paint. for now, i've decided to keep it though i may still change my mind in the future.
here are some shots i took...