Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Nam would've destroyed the Nolan movies worse than you've ever seen anyone do it before.

And CP would've argued with you even if you both liked the PT, saying you liked it for the wrong reasons. :lol

All of this, in the old CoC way.
Well, I'm sure Nam would've adapted well to the new CoC, CP was a lost cause. But from what I skimmed over in the last couple pages, they're both still around :lol
If people like WWJedi and Kitfisto think some people here are *******s, they would most likely commit suicide if they had to face Celtic or Nam.

I remember them. I've been here a long time. Honestly there is only one person here I think intentionally "hates" everything just to troll.
he was the biggest a hole in this entire forum... even worse than nam ever was... is everyone remembering him with rose tinted colored or something?
he ruined every thread on the movie section... he never respected any opinion different than his own and always threw a hissy fit and a furious tantrum until people agreed with him.... :lol i always found that pathetic.

his ego was so big he created a thread Specifically to argue with other people about movies (under the guise of "rate the last movie seen )
that thread was literally made to argue with others, nothing more....:rotfl

unless you guys are being sarcastic, :lol

Totally being sarcastic I use to argue with nam and Celtic and there little friends all the time. So many people were scared of them and let them get under there skin, we'd argue about spiderman all the time.

I could be just as a smart ass as they were, they'd be pages of our little scuffles lol. I still liked them tho.
See, on paper, that scene works for me, but watching it, I just found everything to be extremely cliche and poorly shot. Even the fact that the children were all in the hallway with the teacher while Clarke locked himself in the room was always ridiculous to me, then Clarke hearing some of the kids whispering about him being a being a freak, the way it's shot just felt amateur.

I don't see how the X-ray scene was cliche, but as far as how it was shot, I don't know, it looked fine to me.

The whole dark and gritty Superman I have no problem with, but the performances and dialogue just clash with the tone the movie is going for. One of the most jarring scenes to me was Superman catching Lois who conveniently was the only person that survived that plane explosion, and then she and Superman have a nice kissing scene while they're standing in a big hole where probably hundreds of people just died. To me, thats Marvel quality filmmaking right there, except it stands out even more because the tone is supposed to be a lot more serious.

I agree that the kiss was a bad decision in the wrong place at the wrong time. I feel the writing is all over the place because I think there are some great moments and a lot of good stuff in it, but then there are also lines like,"I just think he's hawwwt" :slap...but then the final lines and scene in the film are pretty great, IMO. When Lois says to Clark, "Welcome to the Planet." Obviously not just meaning the newspaper, and Clark smiles and says, "Glad to be here, Lois." I loved that...perfect ending to a Superman story.

So far I'm not sure what to think of BVS, but my expectations are pretty low and that's coming from someone who liked MOS.

Grappling hook

Not enough buildings. :lol I'm thinking he calls Alfred to pick him up.
If people like WWJedi and Kitfisto think some people here are *******s, they would most likely commit suicide if they had to face Celtic or Nam.

I survived Nam AND Celtic at the SAME time :lol

Made me invincible

Not a Star Wars guy, watched the Original trilogy for the first time earlier this year, enjoyed it quite abit enjoyed TFA much more. Maybe because it has the more modern sensibilities

Back on topic, did anyone notice Supe kicks Batmans car INTO a gas station!?
Is that what happened?

My opinion has changed on the scene and I like it now. I sympathize with Clark. I'm assuming that scene happens immeadiately after Batman attempts to hurt Supes, and Superman is just fed up with his antics on top of all the False God mobs he's dealing with. Bruce already called him a clown and referred to him as "Son" in there first meet up when Clark brought up a good point about Batman's methods of being a somewhat like a fascist--branding criminals with a bat.

With Civil War, I read the comics so I have an idea how it will play out. With this movie and Suicide Squad, all my guesses on how the films will play out is what's presented by the trailers, and that's exciting.