Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Right so he gives up the entire plot of the movie because his most hated nemesis has his mothers last name, then promises to save her, then calls his enemy my friend literally 5 minutes later. Yes that makes perfect sense. And why did superman even choose to fight batman? Because Luthor blackmailed him - superman... by kidnapping his mom which batman were able to locate in a few minutes? Perfect sense.

If they wanted to do batman vs superman then go all injustice, then at least the storyline will make sense. Not because supermans mom got kidnapped...

As far as their animosity goes, that's pretty self-explanatory. Batman views Superman as such a danger to the point that he dehumanizes him and considers him a monster come down from the sky who could rain down death and destruction on every living thing. Superman believes that Batman is a mad man who has turned Gotham into his own police state with his terrifying persona and one-man war on crime. As far as their final confrontation goes, though, Superman didn't want to fight Batman to the death.

Luthor gave him the ultimatum, yes, but he explicitly tells Lois that either he can convince Batman to help him, or he'd have to fight him. Batman didn't really give him the chance to explain himself, initially, bombarding him with machine gun fire, super-sonics, and Kryptonite gas, but, even then, Superman continues to try to get through to him as the fight goes along. Ultimately, I feel like the "Martha" thing shocked Bruce, naturally, but that Clark's pleas for help were what made him realize that "yes, this is just a guy. Same as anyone else."
Because they know how to tell a story on the big screen. Without Disney involvement, the marvel cinematic universe will not exist, all of those marvel movies will be like the f4 reboot. You guys are really clueless how significant Disney involvement was to make all those marvel movies we loved.

I'll never understand people who paint the MCU as some shining example of quality storytelling. Of its 12 films only 4 are great. Everything else was safe and mediocre.

If they were 12/12 then I'd be championing them too.
Saw it last night. I enjoyed it. I had some issues, described below in spoiler tags, but overall I enjoyed it. Way better than Man of Steel in my opinion, which I didn't like that much due to it being way too much because of the ADHD inducing editing. They almost never slowed down, it was action beat after action beat.

Things I enjoyed:
-The acting, in particular Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot and Jeremy Irons
-The pacing - I enjoyed the pacing, I didn't think it was all over the place. I liked that it wasn't action after action, and the first hour in particular I enjoyed.
-Soundtrack - loved it. Wonder Woman's theme was kickass
-Set design, production, effects - all good. Batcave looks great, scenery was beautiful, effects were fine (bad effects don't really pull me out of a movie though)
-Story - overall I enjoyed it, although I had a few issues, as seen below.
-Reveal of other superheroes (especially soundtrack at that point)

Things I didn't like as much
-Lex Luthor - I'm still not sure on Jesse Eisenberg's take. He seemed a bit too crazy. Minor issue - didn't understand the long hair thing and why they flaunted it so much.

I still don't quite understand the reasoning behind Batman wanting to kick the crap out of Superman. He is smart enough to know that while a lot of people died in the Superman fight with Zod, that Superman was fighting an alien villain and if he hadn't stopped him, things would have been worse. I know a lot of collateral damage resulted from the battle, including Wayne's tower, but I didn't get the rage he had for Superman, given that Superman has done a lot of good for Metropolis. To add to that, I didn't like how Lex just kind of rode the wave of Superman and Batman fighting and inserted himself into it by kidnapping Martha. Superman would have gone to see Batman without Lex's involvement anyway and Batman would have attacked him causing Superman to fight anyway.

I think it would have been much cooler if Lex orchestrated the whole thing. If he manipulated Batman into fighting Superman. If he facilitated Batman in stealing his kryptonite since he knew if Batman had it, he had a fighting chance against Superman.

I didn't like AT ALL how the fight between Batman and Superman ended because Superman was calling his mother, who happened to have the same name is Batman's. There was a buildup for 1.5 hours of Batman wanting to kick the tar out of Superman, and then because Superman's mother is kidnapped, that he cares about her, and that he has the same name as Batman's he all of a sudden not only cares for Superman, and now considers him his friend? WTF?

For most of the movie people seemed to not like Superman. Then all of a sudden he dies, and there is this huge funeral for him and everyone is weeping. Seriously? They should have shown more of people's love for him for the end scene to have more impact.
I enjoyed Zootopia as did my son, but it won't be a dvd purchase.

BvS and all of its 30% RT ugliness will be. :yess:


Never looked at it that way. :lol :yess:

Let me put it to you this way. Before the reviews came in, I was terrified I would want the figures from HT. When the reviews came in, I told myself "I'm sad that this is what happened, but phew. Dodged a bullet, there. After seeing the movie, my first thought is "*********.":lol
I might be the minority , but I liked Eisenbergs take on Lex . He was diabolical and ruthless. Powerful people enjoy knowing information over people and Lex know Clarks family and love interest. He had Superman beat and by forcing Clarks hand, he could have had him take out his only real threat . I feel he wanted to destroy Superman mentally as well as physically. They could have handled the character better, but he did just fine . Amanda Waller could have made for an intresting cameo in preventing Lex from seeing a jail cell .
I was with you until you mentioned Singers X-Men.

They're all acclaimed :lecture:

Just saw it

Major disappointment, after DD season 2, the bar was raised, and this steaming pile of turds missed the mark badly

How hard is it to write a decent story?

How is it fair to compare a 13 (or so) hour TV show to a 2 hour movie

I'll never understand people who paint the MCU as some shining example of quality storytelling. Of its 12 films only 4 are great. Everything else was safe and mediocre.

If they were 12/12 then I'd be championing them too.

They're all acclaimed :lecture:
I'll never understand people who paint the MCU as some shining example of quality storytelling. Of its 12 films only 4 are great. Everything else was safe and mediocre.

If they were 12/12 then I'd be championing them too.


I would say this film was better than Avengers 2, Iron Man 2/3, Thor 1/2 and Ant Man, IMO.

Iron Man, Cap 2, Guardians are their best IMO. Avengers and Cap 1 are good and I would put BvS on par with those two.
I've never been to comic con. Is the smell really as bad as people say it is?

OMG yes! :lol

Let me put it to you this way. Before the reviews came in, I was terrified I would want the figures from HT. When the reviews came in, I told myself "I'm sad that this is what happened, but phew. Dodged a bullet, there. After seeing the movie, my first thought is "*********.":lol

:lol :lol

Watch CW get a 98% RT and me not like it!

I am so confused. :lol

Anyone post this yet? :lol


I think you're the 5th person to post it :lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


And it's still funny the 5th time! :lol
I'll say this: for better or worse, no comic book movie has left me reeling like BvS did. The end had the hairs on my arms standing at attention, the battles had me smiling in awe, and the story had my jaw dropping in disbelief. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before, and, quite honestly, in such an oversaturated market as this one, I consider that to be a compliment.
I'll say this: for better or worse, no comic book movie has left me reeling like BvS did. The end had the hairs on my arms standing at attention, the battles had me smiling in awe, and the story had my jaw dropping in disbelief. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before, and, quite honestly, in such an oversaturated market as this one, I consider that to be a compliment.

YES YES YES....this!

It's a good mess of a movie! :lol

I want to see how the fight with Abomination 2.0 will leave me feeling after my 2nd viewing.
YES YES YES....this!

It's a good mess of a movie! :lol

I want to see how the fight with Abomination 2.0 will leave me feeling after my 2nd viewing.

I'm about to see it again for the second time and feel that way! I totally agree, I don't really care how doomsday looks, he could have had a pigtail in the back for all we know for this movie so who knows, after I have seen it, I'm hyped up about it now...