Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Just back from cinema.....a solid 7/10 from me ...takes time to get going so much going on but it's not a big deal. Alot better than the likes of Thor 2 and Age of Uktron. Affleck was great and Wonder Woman looks a good addition.
Not having seen BvS I can't say whether it's better or worse than those films but it's definitely shocking that DW & IM3 are rated so high. IM3 was average at best, while DW was completely nonsensical. So yeah, if BvS is better than those two movies then it is getting the shaft on RT.

I dunno. jye4ever has kind of peer pressured me in to wanting to see the movie now so there's the off chance I'll go. Damn his enthusiasm! haven't seen it and your forum name is kryptonian! :slap

Get your arse in that theater asap! :lol

I'm still in shock that IGN gave it a bad review, they like everything! :lol
Not having seen BvS I can't say whether it's better or worse than those films but it's definitely shocking that DW & IM3 are rated so high. IM3 was average at best, while DW was completely nonsensical. So yeah, if BvS is better than those two movies then it is getting the shaft on RT.

I dunno. jye4ever has kind of peer pressured me in to wanting to see the movie now so there's the off chance I'll go. Damn his enthusiasm!

BvS is better than most of the MCU movies. The only Marvel Studios films that best it are Iron Man (2008), Avengers (2012), Winter Soldier & GOTG.

If you're gonna watch it definitely go the IMAX route. If there's a real 70mm IMAX near you, you're in for a ride.
BvS is better than most of the MCU movies. The only Marvel Studios that best it are Iron Man (2008), Avengers (2012), Winter Soldier & GOTG.

If you're gonna watch it definitely go the IMAX route. If there's a real 70mm IMAX near you, you're in for a ride.

I would replace GOTG with First Avenger but otherwise pretty accurate.
Cap TFA fell apart for me after the first act. One of the best origins for a superhero done on film but then the film collapses.

That's because they rushed through Cap's story to tie everything in with The Avengers. It's one of the few superhero movies where the movie actually goes downhill once he's becomes a superhero :lol

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Cap TFA fell apart for me after the first act. One of the best origins for a superhero done on film but then the film collapses.

It almost did for me as well, I agree that it was weaker than the 1st two acts but it has a charming quality to it that carried it for me all the way to the finale.
bottom line for me...saw this last night...I really really enjoyed this film...not saying its a flawless masterpiece...but it did its damn job...very good film for me... :)
The two biggest moments at my 70mm screening last night were Aquaman's scene and Wonder Woman's arrival at the fight. Crowd went nuts.
Speaking of films that fell apart after a decent opening sequence.....

I did enjoy the random montage to other films like
Dances with Wolves
Wierd Science (Superman 4 Quest for Peace)

BvS is better than most of the MCU movies. The only Marvel Studios that best it are Iron Man (2008), Avengers (2012), Winter Soldier & GOTG.

If you're gonna watch it definitely go the IMAX route. If there's a real 70mm IMAX near you, you're in for a ride.

You would have to name all the MCU movies I liked. Lol. haven't seen it and your forum name is kryptonian! :slap

Get your arse in that theater asap![emoji38]
I'm still in shock that IGN gave it a bad review, they like everything! :lol
Well, kryptonianmutie is a name I came up with to describe my first born child who's now a toddler. From birth we could tell she was more physically advanced than most kids. Raising her is what I imagine it would have been like for the Kents raising Clark. That's the kryptonian part. The mutie part is from the Marvel comics I read growing up and they had the fake ads inside. I remember one of them was for the mutant registration act and it had these kids faces and one of them had the word mutie, or maybe it was mutant, but I like mutie even though it's supposed to be a slander in the comics. Anyway there you go.

Where is Gaspar BTW?
Yeah, I lucked out with a great crowd plus I didn't get shot by any bored middle class white kid, that's a win in my book!

There was a guy sitting next to me who was literally crying when Wonder Woman started fighting lol gotta love the fandom.

That's why I'm glad Cavill told the press this movie is for the fans and not the critics.
You would have to name all the MCU movies I liked. Lol.

Well, kryptonianmutie is a name I came up with to describe my first born child who's now a toddler. From birth we could tell she was more physically advanced than most kids. Raising her is what I imagine it would have been like for the Kents raising Clark. That's the kryptonian part. The mutie part is from the Marvel comics I read growing up and they had the fake ads inside. I remember one of them was for the mutant registration act and it had these kids faces and one of them had the word mutie, or maybe it was mutant, but I like mutie even though it's supposed to be a slander in the comics. Anyway there you go.

Where is Gaspar BTW?

This long battle of BvS and whether it'll be good or not as taking a toll on the poor guy :lol

I think he's taking a break for a bit, probably going to watch the movie and discuss things, but he's bowed out of the fanboy wars that have been going on especially with DC movies.

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This long battle of BvS and whether it'll be good or not as taking a toll on the poor guy :lol

I think he's taking a break for a bit, probably going to watch the movie and discuss things, but he's bowed out of the fanboy wars that have been going on especially with DC movies.

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I'm a lover not a fighter. :lol
Just saw, what a cluster**** of a movie. Terrible in every aspect, it's like watching a train wreck documentary where they try to cram every comic into 2.5 hours of mess. The whole premises of why batman fights superman is retarded and how batman just give up because mother has same name is even stupider. There is no story in here, just a mesh of pieces from injustice, death of superman, Wonder Woman, return of dark knight, etc.... all tangled together in a ball of ***

Not even close to avengers.

DC continues to fail hard, they should just give the license to Disney so a proper story can be done.
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