Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Ant man ?

Heartless, mindless PG garbage for the kids. Waste of Michael Douglas and Corey Stoll. Honey I Shrunk The Kids meets Marvel.

Iron man 2 ?

Pointless story with forgettable villains and unfocused motivations that turned Stark into a ****. Huge step down from the stellar first film. Waste of Mickey Rourke and Sam Rockwell. Rumor is Feige strangled the film creatively and Favreau had no real creative control.

Punisher war zone

Absurd garbage that put Lexi Alexander in director's jail for years. A middle finger to the genre. Thomas Jane refused to do it, as did Paddy Considine, John Dahl, Walter Hill & Jonathan Hensleigh.

ghost rider sov (although acquired taste)?

Unnecessary from start to finish and executed poorly. Completely underwhelming. Neveldine/Taylor didn't have the money nor the right idea for tackling a GR movie. Hated to see Elba & Lambert wasted.
Guess you missed these gems:

ELEKTRA (2005)
IRON MAN 2 (2010)
IRON MAN 3 (2013)
ANT-MAN (2015)

Lists are the same as denial on the grievance scale :lol
I'm back

Let me just say a few things first. I went to see it at 2:15 pm and the theater was full of people and there was a huge line like I've never seen at my local theater...people of ALL ages and a lot of children. That didn't happen when I saw the Avengers or Star Wars. If this movie was great could have been the biggest film ever.

Two things happen, which seems to be a common thing, people went crazy went Wonder Woman shows up and her theme was pretty bad-ass. The second thing, people clapped after the movie ended.

Now, as far as the movie's a HUGE mess of scenes and moments like I've never seen in a big budget summer's like 5 movies in one. There's a MOS sequel, a Batman movie, a Lex Luthor film, a Justice League origin film, and a Batman vs Superman film...all within 2 and a half hours.

Having said that, there is so much good stuff in the film that it's actually worth watching...and I liked it. I will definitely watch the director's cut to see if the extra 30 minutes makes the film better, especially all the quick scenes and all those subplots, including Lex's goal. If it does make sense...then I have no problem with Snyder directing JL, but if it doesn't, then Snyder needs go, because JL can't be this messy.

I was disappointed by the "BIG" BVS was a total let down. The only thing that worked, was how and why the fight ended. That was great, but the fight, completely forgettable. The final battle was much better, imo. It was pretty epic and I don't think I've ever seen such a display of god like powers by characters in a film was like watching gods with unlimited powers fighting....pretty insane stuff.

So, I like the film, but I totally understand the criticism, although...calling it the worst superhero film ever and a terrible movie is too harsh, because there are enough good things and moments in it for it to be entertaining. It also had some humor...but not enough dialogue between Batman and Superman...they literally don't talk to each all. Go see it, I give it a solid B- or a generous 6.8/10.

Looks like we both ended up liking it :lol

Who would have guessed :lol

I liked the Batman vs Superman fight. I agree with most of everything you said though. Snyder truly ruined what could have been a great movie.
Calling this the worst superhero movie of all time really isn't right. I know it is all personal opinion, but.... it just isn't. F4 is.

This movie has a lot of potential to be great and it is so easy to make it great. Give it a better structure and rearrange the scenes... :gah: it would be so easy to and Snyder/Goyer just ****** it up.
Calling this the worst superhero movie of all time really isn't right. I know it is all personal opinion, but.... it just isn't. F4 is.

This movie has a lot of potential to be great and it is so easy to make it great. Give it a better structure and rearrange the scenes... :gah: it would be so easy to and Snyder/Goyer just ****** it up.

Pretty much a common thought from us who thought it was lacking. Soooooo maybe critics are right in many aspects...
im not a film critic so i dont know the technicals of film making, but i was kind of disappointed. i didnt want to believe the critics but a lot of their points were fair. this film had so much potential, but something about the sequences and the story line didn't make sense. it just seemed like a movie designed to have superman and batman fight each other at any cost to the plot.
The Knightmare sequence needed to be removed. It served no point at all.

That sequence is the main setup for what they seem to be doing for JLA.

Its a clear adaptation of INJUSTICE. Bruce's dreams are really transmissions from the future where Supes went nuts & became a warlord for Darkseid after Joker killed Lois. He blames Bruce for her death which is why Flash tells Bruce she is the key and confirms his distrust for Supes. It also drives Bruce to find the rest of the JLA.
Round two in less than six minutes for the imax showing in 3D

Me yesterday

Me today!

I'll do the same thing with civil war I got my iron man shirt and my cap america( same one from age of ultron) for both showings!

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I guess it's appropriate that with the wealth of decades of stories to mine for great moments from these characters they decided to adapt a video game from a couple of years ago.

Officially down to the 20s on RT.
Calling this the worst superhero movie of all time really isn't right. I know it is all personal opinion, but.... it just isn't. F4 is.

This movie has a lot of potential to be great and it is so easy to make it great. Give it a better structure and rearrange the scenes... :gah: it would be so easy to and Snyder/Goyer just ****** it up.

Maybe it wasn't Snyder's fault? MOS didn't have that problem with the editing.
That sequence is the main setup for what they seem to be doing for JLA.

Its a clear adaptation of INJUSTICE. Bruce's dreams are really transmissions from the future where Supes went nuts & became a warlord for Darkseid after Joker killed Lois. He blames Bruce for her death which is why Flash tells Bruce she is the key and confirms his distrust for Supes. It also drives Bruce to find the rest of the JLA.

Now that you explain it.... it makes sense... but just the scene placement.

If anything, this should have been an end credits scene then. After the funeral Bruce can have this nightmare.

Maybe it was Snyder's fault? MOS didn't have that problem with the editing.

Do you mean wasn't? MoS was directed by Snyder and didn't have these problems :lol Maybe it wasn't... I don't know :lol I blame him for the time being.

Snyders fault?? In my opinion, he's the only reason this movie was alright to me. If anybody else did it, it would flat out suck.

I could make this movie better. Meaning anyone not named Snyder could as well :lol Even you! :lol
That sequence is the main setup for what they seem to be doing for JLA.

Its a clear adaptation of INJUSTICE. Bruce's dreams are really transmissions from the future where Supes went nuts & became a warlord for Darkseid after Joker killed Lois. He blames Bruce for her death which is why Flash tells Bruce she is the key and confirms his distrust for Supes. It also drives Bruce to find the rest of the JLA.

Sounds like a recipe for yet another film in which we get Angstman instead of Superman.

Uh, DC
Now that you explain it.... it makes sense... but just the scene placement.

If anything, this should have been an end credits scene then. After the funeral Bruce can have this nightmare.

Do you mean wasn't? MoS was directed by Snyder and didn't have these problems :lol Maybe it wasn't... I don't know :lol I blame him for the time being.

Yeah...wasn't...that's what I meant. He didn't edit the film...but does he have an influence when it comes to the editing? Can you tell what Lex Luthor's plan was...or what he wanted? That wasn't clear.