Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Would actually be kind of funny if Jimmy became like Kenny from South Park. He appears in each movie, and gets killed off in some crazy way, only to re-appear again and again.


Yes, it would BUT NO!

There is NO HUMOR allowed in MURDERVERSE!

(And only two hours of daylight every 24 hrs.):lecture

The CIA guy. Snyder thought it was fun. Didn't you?


Would actually be kind of funny if Jimmy became like Kenny from South Park. He appears in each movie, and gets killed off in some crazy way, only to re-appear again and again.

Or maybe he could be like *Mr.* Kenny from RoboCop instead. Every movie he gets blown away for like five straight minutes and then the story carries on. That'd be an awesome running joke.
Peter David made a good point about Superman.

The problem is that since Superman is a god, he can’t be human. And as a movie goer, there’s a simple truism which is that your personal involvement with a character is determined by his humanity. Ninety percent of the time that Cavill is on screen, he’s in Superman mode, even when he’s Clark. As Superman he never cracks a smile, never cracks a joke, never cracks his facade. Even when a building explodes around him, killing everyone but him, he is just left standing there looking bummed out. He doesn’t try to find out if anyone survived, he doesn’t do anything. He just stands there, like God observing just how idiotic mortals can be."
Me, jye4ever, IrishJedi, JAWS:


karamazov, DiFabio, Clown Prince, crows:


This thread:



Jimmy Olsen was another one of those silly relics from goofy comics.


You mean, like Superman?

(Better not explain about Patsy Walker.)

Comic books--specifically superhero comic books (the long underwear guys)--have always been little time capsules of the eras in which they were produced.
The characters stay recognizable, but their response to their world and position within society changes with the times.
Adams/O'Neil had the Hard Traveling Heroes confront Vietnam post-60s disillusionment and Frank Miller spun Batman out of the Regan/Thatcher 80s into a perceived future fascist dystopia.
Our post-9/11, War-on-Terra present seems fixated with mass urban causalities and destruction in its cinema.
Cultures play out their collective paranoia and fears through their films: witness the Japanese attempt to exorcise the atom bomb with Godzilla.

And if comicbooks and comicbook films are windows into the culture that made them, what does that say about our present one?

Even a schmuck like Jimmy Olsen deserves better . . . unless we've reached a point in society where you're just not "bad-ass" unless you commit murder.
Maybe we've arrived at Miller's future fascist dystopia . . .

(I'm also available for kid's birthday parties, Bar Mitzvahs, etc.)