Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Before laughing your lungs out you might want to re read What ive written.
Never said people who disliked this movie in particular are stupid for not liking it.
Just that these days the success of a movie means nothing about its merits.
Huge turds have huge success.
Saying that the average audience has no clue about What is a good movie is just a fact.

As first BvS again i Will say that it has many reasons for not being liked.
But I do for many reasons too Without dissing the valid arguments against it.

Well that escalated quickly.
Dont think BVS is a work of art.
Far from that.

But i really really love that Warner is trusting Snyder all the way.
Even i end up not liking What they Will do (im having a real hard time going to see BVS a second time you know so im not that sold) i like the way they are doing it.
They take risks, big risks with their vision, so far it must have been good for them since they keep it up.
No studio is crazy enough to follow a vision, a plan if they are already losing money.

These arguments work both ways you know, perhaps the people that like BVS are the clueless moviegoers who wouldn't know a good movie from a bad one.

Its smacks so strongly of arrogance. I don't care if you like or don't like a movie, but no need to chalk a difference of opinion up to some shortcoming of the viewer.

Unless you like the Transformers movies, then you just deserve whatever derision you get. ;)
Media begrudgingly has the headline today:

"Despite some critical reviews, "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" is still holding onto the top stop at the global box office Rentrak reports.

Starring Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman, this is the film's third week in the number one spot, taking $57.435 million worldwide during the weekend ending April 10.

The weekend estimates also saw Disney with two films in the top three, with their latest animated movie "Zootopia" still holding onto its place at number two, and "The Jungle Book" heading straight into the number three spot after opening in some Asian and Latin American markets."
These arguments work both ways you know, perhaps the people that like BVS are the clueless moviegoers who wouldn't know a good movie from a bad one.

Its smacks so strongly of arrogance. I don't care if you like or don't like a movie, but no need to chalk a difference of opinion up to some shortcoming of the viewer.

Unless you like the Transformers movies, then you just deserve whatever derision you get. ;)

I did not waited for BVS to know that the average movie goer is dumb.
I see it when i go to the movies, when i read some mainstream movie forums.
But i do think most people are stupid, lemmings that basically just occupy space.
So yeah im probably arrogant.
And they probably think the same about me ;)

As for the troll thing.
I would say that the way some are replying definitly deserve the status.
And they probably think the same about me ;)

Any truth to that?
RUMOR: WB To Release Extended R-Rated Version Of BATMAN V SUPERMAN In Theaters To Boost Box Office Total
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I feel people are taking the wrong things away as usual. These movies don't need to be "fun". The Dark Knight was serious as a heart attack and those movies are the best " movie"movies.

What matters is character and Story, especially with dramatic movies like WB. If there's stupid stuff happens in Guardians no one cares chase their comedies
It's still looking like The Boss took the #1 spot at the US box office this weekend which is NUTS considering the fact that I don't think The Boss was marketed at all! I mean has anyone here seen a single trailer/TV spot/*anything* for this movie? McCarthy just appears in theaters without the studio actually TELLING anyone and she beats Batman and Superman???
These arguments work both ways you know, perhaps the people that like BVS are the clueless moviegoers who wouldn't know a good movie from a bad one.
It's so weird because I was thinking the same thing, but then I see BvS supporters make poignant observations and lucid arguments in regards to other films and I'm just wondering how do they not see the problems with this movie.
It's still looking like The Boss took the #1 spot at the US box office this weekend which is NUTS considering the fact that I don't think The Boss was marketed at all! I mean has anyone here seen a single trailer/TV spot/*anything* for this movie? McCarthy just appears in theaters without the studio actually TELLING anyone and she beats Batman and Superman???

It also has an even lower RT score than BvS. I guess she's got a good sized fandom. :dunno
It's so weird because I was thinking the same thing, but then I see BvS supporters make poignant observations and lucid arguments in regards to other films and I'm just wondering how do they not see the problems with this movie.

The mistake you seem to be making is that you're assuming that in order to be a fan of a movie you have to be unaware of any "problems" or fail to recognize them. That isn't the case. Those of us that like BvS simply think that the good outweighs the bad.
I think it's a pretty wide variety of people on both sides of the discussion. Mostly reasonable with a dash of hyperbole and splash of paranoid dementia.
The mistake you seem to be making is that you're assuming that in order to be a fan of a movie you have to be unaware of any "problems" or fail to recognize them. That isn't the case. Those of us that like BvS simply think that the good outweighs the bad.
Well there was quite a bit of Crow bashing when he was trying to point out some legit problems with the film. I hadn't seen it at the time but I remember reading his posts. Then there's the backhanded comments about the film being over people's heads because they didn't understand why this and that happened and the dismissing of it as nitpicking. And now the trolling comment in reference to a rebuttal of the notion that this movie is philosophical. I dunno, it's just rubbing a number of us the wrong way.
The mistake you seem to be making is that you're assuming that in order to be a fan of a movie you have to be unaware of any "problems" or fail to recognize them. That isn't the case. Those of us that like BvS simply think that the good outweighs the bad.

:exactly: :lecture

Not too complicated.

Was I entertained or not.
And now the trolling comment in reference to a rebuttal of the notion that this movie is philosophical. I dunno, it's just rubbing a number of us the wrong way.

That's the whole point. My initial comment needed no rebuttal, or even a response at all. Yet there it was, and with added snarkiness to boot. That is exactly what Trolls do. The fact that you even feel the need for rebuttals of someone else's take or opinion says it all, actually.

Then again, maybe it's a generational thing. Those raised on the Internet seem to have a much harder time grasping the value of unexpressed thought.
That's the whole point. My initial comment needed no rebuttal, or even a response at all. Yet there it was, and with added snarkiness to boot. That is exactly what Trolls do. The fact that you even feel the need for rebuttals of someone else's take or opinion says it all, actually.

Then again, maybe it's a generational thing. Those raised on the Internet seem to have a much harder time grasping the value of unexpressed thought.
There's no need to refute non flattering comments about this movie either, but yet you do it all the time. That says it all too.

And unless you're in your 60's which would make you old enough to be my dad don't try to attach me to a generation to try to make your point.
There's no need to refute non flattering comments about this movie either, but yet you do it all the time. That says it all too.

No, I really don't. If someone asks a question (that I can or feel like answering), I will. But most of the things I refute (or rather, correct) are false narratives about the behind-the-scenes and business stuff. I'm honestly not bothered that some people dislike the movie. Fine with me. Opinions and sensibilities are naturally varied. There's no reason to argue those, and it's almost always a futile waste of everyone's time. If I was really worried about refuting the opinions of those who hate this movie I would be writing paragraphs of stuff 24 hours a day on here. :lol