Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I think Cyborg is a good choice for modern JL, and he would be the perfect guy for monitor duty.

I wonder if they'll start with the Hall of Justice or if they'll go straight to Watchtower.

I wouldn't mind seeing the Hall of Justice.

I'm sold on Cyborg and the current roster.

-Wonder Woman
-The Flash
-Black Canary (rumored)

Hopefully the second roster (JLA3) will add some more bodies:

-Wonder Woman
-The Flash
-Black Canary (rumored)
-Green Lantern
-Martian Manhunter
Plastic Man baby.....:yess: I'd still prefer GL over any of them buuuuut I gave up reading comics long, long ago so he along with everyone else probably isn't the same in the new universe. Gotta,get used to a new grumpy Plastic Man or GL :lol
But Dr. Fate would be cool....we need the magic side too.

I'm bummed that Guillermo del Toro's Justice League Dark (or "Dark Universe") isn't happening. :( But that's more because he sits on his hands deciding what to do than WB canning it. I think someone could still sell them on the idea. If Suicide Squad does well, you could use Enchantress as a "bridge" character and maybe even cameo some of the others in other DC films.

But imagine this line up:

Doctor Fate
The Spectre
The Phantom Stranger
Etrigan The Demon

Maybe even bring in a proper Constantine or even Swamp Thing.

Wonder if they'll ever form Legion of Doom!! Might be too nostalgic for modern movie take, now that we know super hero can kill, lol.
What comic is Enchantress from? Is she just one of Batman's many villains?

She's part of the Suicide Squad, but she's not really a villain that belongs to a specific hero, imo. She's been around for a long time and shows up in different comics. First time I saw her was in a Green Lantern comic.
So with tho movie, that will make less and had worst reviews... This movie will somehow do better and justice league wont need any fixing.

I think this is just PR, or the first stage of grief.

Judging from the stuff people associated with the other films are saying though (their film will be "lighter", "more fun", etc.) I'm pretty sure the negative reviews and audience uptake rattled a few people up the ladder.

No matter how much they say things are fine, and they are sticking to a plan, I am sure changes (no matter how minor) will be made because that's the prudent thing to do. You react to your customers and try to improve your products so that you'll sell more. They won't admit that publicly because doing so will admit that BvS was flawed.
I think this is just PR, or the first stage of grief.

Judging from the stuff people associated with the other films are saying though (their film will be "lighter", "more fun", etc.) I'm pretty sure the negative reviews and audience uptake rattled a few people up the ladder.

No matter how much they say things are fine, and they are sticking to a plan, I am sure changes (no matter how minor) will be made because that's the prudent thing to do. You react to your customers and try to improve your products so that you'll sell more. They won't admit that publicly because doing so will admit that BvS was flawed.


But don't take my word for it. Here's a WSJ interview with Chris Terrio that was published TWO WEEKS before BvS was released (and keep in mind the script was done well before that):

Inside Chris Terrio?s Vision for Batman, Superman and ?Justice League? - Speakeasy - WSJ

I expect “Justice League” will be tonally not quite as dark as “Batman v Superman.” From that point of view, I felt compelled to go back and try to lift us and myself into a different tonal place because I think when you write a darker film, sometimes you want to redeem it all a bit.

They're going lighter and they were going there on their own, well before BvS was out. Critic and audience reaction had nothing to do with it, despite what many apparently want to believe.
I do wish that we were getting another "Trinity" movie next instead of JL. It seems like Bats, Supes, and WW could be like the Han, Luke, and Leia of the DCEU. They don't need to be sharing the screen with less interesting heroes just yet.

But don't take my word for it. Here's a WSJ interview with Chris Terrio that was published TWO WEEKS before BvS was released (and keep in mind the script was done well before that):

Inside Chris Terrio?s Vision for Batman, Superman and ?Justice League? - Speakeasy - WSJ

They're going lighter and they were going there on their own, well before BvS was out. Critic and audience reaction had nothing to do with it, despite what many apparently want to believe.

I stand corrected then. I think a lighter tone will be more appealing to the general masses (though I don't mind the dark tone myself).

But don't take my word for it. Here's a WSJ interview with Chris Terrio that was published TWO WEEKS before BvS was released (and keep in mind the script was done well before that):

Inside Chris Terrio?s Vision for Batman, Superman and ?Justice League? - Speakeasy - WSJ

They're going lighter and they were going there on their own, well before BvS was out. Critic and audience reaction had nothing to do with it, despite what many apparently want to believe.

It doesn't really make sense to change tone before the release,
I mean what if batman v superman made 1.5 billion and somehow the critics loved it.
Lets say the movie was very very well received

So the change in tone would make no sense, it makes sense now, after the bashing,

But... Before? How does a lighter justice league make sense with such a dark movie before it ?
All of the movies will be at least slightly different tonally. Even MOS and BvS are different in tone (with BvS being darker and more brooding and philosophical). BvS will be the darkest of all. This was a creative choice they made.

Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman will also have their own looks and feel, though ultimately staying within the same universe.