Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Awww thats a shame, your opinion meant everything to me...


Next weekend The Boss will fall like 89%:lol- BvS will be #2 behind Jungle (ugh) Book

Actually, if you look at the numbers and percentages dropped per weekend, BVS will be neck and neck with Zootopia. That's my prediction, at least.

Interesting fact... BVS and Zootopia have both grossed $296 million so far domestically. Funny considering next week might also be a tie, but then again, Jungle Book will take away much of Zootopias audience.
The weekend actuals are in, for those intereted...

The Boss : 23,586,645
BVS : 23,363,079

Ouch....I would see "The Boss" if tickets were free.....

After the horror that was "The Heat", I'd have to be held at gunpoint to see "The Boss".

The most interesting thing is that because of the huge backlash that the Ghostbusters is getting, I didn't think this movie had a chance

Besides the complete lack of advertising

So this is quite an accomplishment :lol
That's his best film IMO. It's consistent from beginning to end and actually has me emotionally invested whenever I watch that movie.

it brought zombies back (along with 28 days later) and it was pretty scary, it made zombies scary again. Im not really sure why Snyder never made horror again, This is not a sarcastic remark or anything like that but,
he really has an eye for suspenseful and scary stuff, for shocking as well, he does really good with tense work. 300 and Watchmen kinda work because well 300 was very violent and moody, and bloody. kind of what the elements for horror are. Watchmen is not as gory or violent BUT it is very suspenseful.

I guess Horror doesn't give you the kind of money that Comic movies does, but Snyder should make another horror movie here and there because he is pretty perfect for it (Again Im not being sarcastic, he really does have a good eye for dark things)