I thought the same thing when I first saw his post

I was thinking that Khev had a fantastic idea for a minute.
I agree with Khev on this one. Was TDKR better than those other films?
But compared to Nolan's other Bat-films it paled significantly from my POV. So, it is analogous to any other given director having a mis-step. But like Khev says, few directors have a flawless record making films. Even the Coen Bros., Kurosawa, and Hitchcock had movies that weren't up to the standards they set with others. So far the Russos are 1 for 1. After Civil War I'm guessing they will be 2 for 2. If Infinity War isn't as great, I'll still give them the benefit of the doubt for whatever comes next. But yeah, I do get some a slight impression from their interview that they may not be thrilled with all the executive control at Marvel now that they aren't just the newcomers grateful to get a shot.
For a director? Absolutely. That doesn't mean the film will be better, of course. I said this earlier, but I think with Marvel Studios Feige helps make sure the movies don't suck. But he also places a ceiling on how great a film can be, because you're gonna have to toe the line and meet the status quo there. With DC? All bets seem to be off the table. Ayer may create one of the greatest comic films ever with Suicide Squad for all we know, because he doesn't seem to have execs breathing down his neck constantly. However, we also have exhibit A, which is Zach Snyder. . .and that shows you how far films can go in the other direction without a Feige type involved. But Batman V Superman seems to be the movie Snyder wanted to make.
Worst case scenario seems to be what happened with Fant4Stic, as Fox started out giving the director creative control over the tone and approach, realized it was a train-wreck in the making, then pulls the rug out from under him before he finishes, giving us the worst of both worlds. I never liked the idea of treating the FF that way, but if they're gonna start letting Trank do what he wants, I do wish they would have let him finish, for better or worse. As it is I doubt I'll ever see the film.
Let's compromise, and call it pyrite.