Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I only wish DCCU Flash was a completely new character.
Tired of all these different interpretations of one person.
Just going off appearance, I'd 100% rather have the CW Barry than BvS Barry.
None of the above? Or this, please:

Pretty sure that was just red spandex.
That's just his muscles, creating those kinds of shadows.

"Using a full body cast of actor John Wesley Shipp they made foam latex pieces out of all the muscles, about two to four inches thick. Then, they painstakingly glued each piece onto a suit and covered it with a red material sprayed with a sealant. While Shipp was in amazing shape, the suit gave him the exaggerated body of a comic book superhero. They made a total of eight suits: two suits made for Shipp, two suits for the show's stuntmen, two for photo doubles, and two for close-ups. The suits cost $100,000 each. The costumes alone cost almost a million dollars."

Well, technically, the Flash costume was influenced by the Batman 89 costume....

Technically, that Flash costume was influenced by Masters of the Universe action figures. :lol

Carmine Infantino's design still seems the most logical:


Allen should be lanky like a marathon runner full of slow-twitch muscle fibers.
Not a muscle-bound 'roid freak. :lecture

<nerd rant off>
Nope, the Flash shouldn't be a marathoner at all, he should be a sprinter, maybe not a 100m sprinter, but a 400m sprinter since he needs quick twitch fibers over endurance, the one thing he should not be is lanky like a marathoner, not when he's well fed, since his metabolism is stupid fast, and doesn't run till failure, that's completely counter-intuitive.

He's only lanky when he's somehow forced to run til failure without refueling (with BBBs :lol), and that can be the death of a speedster, for obvious reasons.

But since the speed force is a cheat for physics, he can look whatever, you can't think of the Flash being bound by the same laws as us, cause the Flash don't give a ****.