And now they can never build up to a huge JL and Darkseid movie. Ever.
They botched their own "first time on screen" moment and any big Darkseid event will just be seen as a poor man's Endgame.
Sadly yes but with good writing they can do a good film.
True. Fox screwed up Xavier's death in X3 but got another chance with Logan and did it right. It's going to take a lot more to ever get anyone choked up about watching crazed CG mouth man die again though, lol.
And now they can never build up to a huge JL and Darkseid movie. Ever.
They botched their own "first time on screen" moment and any big Darkseid event will just be seen as a poor man's Endgame.
lol at this thread driving Clown insane lol
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They can't be afraid to use their big name heroes either. Having Superman and now Batman be on the back burner for so long is a mistake.
You'll never know my pain.
DCEU is such a mess. To put it in perspective.
No Superman in the DCEU
A Shazam movie that bombed with a headless fake superman cameo.
The Rock as Black Adam in a sequel to a movie that bombed.
A Joker movie that isn't part of the DCEU, but people think it is.
A DCEU Joker that bombed and is no longer around for Birds of Prey film.
A new Batman that's younger than the rest of the DCEU cast, but they can't reboot the DCEU because Aquaman which got bad reviews made a billion at the box office.
A Birds of Prey movie that no one asked for with another headless cameo, because Leto is not returning, but the joker has a cameo, minus the head.
A reboot of Suicide Squad that's kind of sort of connected to the previous one, but not really, and no Will Smith.
A delayed Wonder Woman 2.
About 18 "movies" in "development."
And finally, a Flash movie starring a guy who can't even run properly , Ezra Miller.
The "U" in the DCEU must stand for ulcer.
Shazam made a profit how is that a bomb? Ok it was a small profit but no one expected crazy box office. Shazam reminds me of John Wick once people see it on the streaming services it's fan base will grow.
Shazam was not on a 200m budget is was reported to be 80m and with reshoots went up to 100m.
Shazam made a profit how is that a bomb? Ok it was a small profit but no one expected crazy box office. Shazam reminds me of John Wick once people see it on the streaming services it's fan base will grow.
Just wow lol
365 million world wide (140 domestic) on a 200 million budget.....broke even at best but more than likely a money loser.
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Shazam was not on a 200m budget is was reported to be 80m and with reshoots went up to 100m.
I think Levi was actually great casting. You need an adult who can act like a teenage really well. And if you've ever seen Chuck, he nails it. I think having the other kids get powers and only barely showing Strong as a real threat(he did throw a guy out a window)negatively impacted the movie.
Headless Superman? What the hell are people talking about, lol. Shazam went full Hereditary?![]()
I wasn’t implying he isn’t a good actor or didn’t fit the role, but rather that he isn’t a big enough star (or somebody new & intriguing) to draw in people that weren't already predisposed to see the film. He's been around quite a while, so as likable as he is there's probably a reason he's never crossed over from TV to film in a big way.
There are no words to describe how absurd that Superman cameo is in Shazam you really have to see it on YouTube for yourself to see how WB embarrassed themselves.