Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)
Batman/Joker interrogation scene is one of the greatest moments in superhero cinema.
Batman/Joker interrogation scene is one of the greatest moments in superhero cinema.
But wasn't Batman already retired at the beginning of Dark Knight Returns, and so, he had quit before the story even started, after Robin was killed? And the impression I got was that he was out of action for a long time.He's also been Batman almost everyday of his life upto that point in Returns. Not 1 month total in 20 years.
The fight choreography in the interrogation scene in Dark Knight is the only fighting scene that works. That's the only time the punches in those movies seem real.
The irony? One of the characters isn't even engaged in the fisticuffs.
Batman/Joker interrogation scene is one of the greatest moments in superhero cinema.
Being a vigilante is illegal. Yes. But him beating up a criminal and then leaving him in an open space to be arrested does not give the criminal any case against the police force. Joker getting assaulted in custody is the only one who'd be able to make that case.You're kidding right? Every time Batman puts someone behind bars it is illegal, in the comicbook or in any of the movies, even more so in Returns where the whole superhero thing is illegal, just by being Batman he's breaking the law.
The only real difference is that in Rises he succeeded.
Well, the difference between Rises and Returns, as Batfan said, is that Batman succeeded to clean the streets.
The means Batman has used through history to get to some of those villains is illegal.
He would move on to another place to keep fighting that fight. He is totally, irrationally driven to exact vengeance on those who would harm innocents. That's what makes Batman Batman, in the way that Miller portrayed him. Take that away, and he's just another schmuck dressed up in leotards like, I don't know, Brainwave, Jr. But again, if he felt horrible trauma and guilt over the death of a sidekick, or possibly any innocent, I can see that changing his way of thinking.If he did, effectively, clean up Gotham City, and, for whatever reason, costumed lunatics stopped sprouting up like weeds, what would your response be?
People confusing reality with realismCleaning up the streets, cmon. When the crime rate in Detroit or Camden hits zero you let me know.
Doesn't matter, there's no case against the police as long as Batman just leaves them knocked out in public to be cuffed the way he does in Nolan's movies. It's just a wanted criminal found in the open. Being assaulted by a civilian prior to your arrest does not mean you can sue the police.
No he didn't. Gordon abuses the system and lies to a court of law putting thousands of men behind bars illegally. After that admission letter went public, man oh man. You know how many lawyers would be lining up to get back into Gotham and represent all of those guys in suing for millions. Gotham would be looking at a massive lawsuit and a lot of criminals still already free from the occupation and then eventually back out from wrongful imprisonment lawsuits. Not to mention zero faith in any of the elected officials, whichever few were left.
People confusing reality with realism:
No it does matter, in this case there isn't case against the police either, Batman took the blame for Dent, thanks to that the Dent act was approved which allowed the criminals to be processed, and Batman is not a civilian, now you're just skewing your argument and looking for loopholes that aren't there.