Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)
You're really not good with synonyms or paraphrasing. For some odd reason, you just don't like that standard can be used in place of representative example which is what you were using comic books as in terms of peak form/bust size.
That's not paraphrasing, at all.
Porn fetishizes all kinds of body parts so it resembles a circus more than an representative swath of humanity. As long as we were referring strictly to bust size, why would comics even need to compare with porn when the overall population doesn't either. Overall though these girls wouldn't be necessarily near peak form as athletes which is one of the main features in comic books character design.
To be slim athletic and busty is fairly exceptional, but we don't read comics because they're just like us. Call it exceptionalist if you want. Porn isn't restricted by that, in fact it's not restricted by anything when it comes to body depictions so the point is moot.
no it's not a moot point, at all, you keep missing the point about the comparison and no, I wasn't strictly speaking about bust size in this case, you have a knack for taking things out of context, detour them and twisting them in ways they fit your argument so you can "corner me", the pron comparison begins and stop with
female body types, period! And your whole argument is still based or the wrong assumption that I'm against comic book standards in general.
You'd be better off asking why there aren't more dwarf superheros. At least then you'd answer you're own question.
This is stupid.
She falls far enough that she was cast against type. Your archetype for WW is alot looser than most, and trying to invoke porn variety or liking Carter's body to Gadot's body is a desperate move that just does not work.
Wrong, she does fit some of the designs as has been proven, that renders any complaint about accuracy invalid, and the pron comparison works just fine, you've just been missing the mark the whole time.
When I talk about bust size, you take it back to peak female form and when I address peak female form, you go back to bust sizes. The cycle continues. In both cases, Gadot is atypical in the purest sense of the word.
You've been the one making convenient reading "misunderstandings" the whole time, not me, and no, it's beyond clear she's not atypical.
I directly addressed it, and what I'm what I said is that it's atypical and against type. The bust beyond being a mere focus of sexual attraction is one of the most promininet features in a full grown woman, aescetically. You either got the look or you don't and it doesn't necessarily have to be about sexual attraction. Now you can pretend it shouldn't factor in or exist, you can be just as solipsistic as you want to be. But to assume that the only reason we want to see that part of her more filled out merely from some lower instinct is out of line and very shortsighted.
I guess it follows because I haven't met many people with such low visual processing.
Me shortsighted and low visual processing? This coming from the guy who cannot for his life grasp the concept of "variety of female bodies" and is having the hardest time to understand the pron comparison, and now adding that WW MUST have big ****s? Don't think so.
And yes, ****s represent all that, but there are many types of female bodies in their peak condition, and not all of them have big ****s, better go tell those ladies they're less of a woman.
And no, the whole aesthetic appeal behind bust is based on sexual instinct, you can't deny that.
You didn't have to, "atypical" already means means "not typical". It's a pass/fail, even for comics. Just because an artist wants to draw her like a gaunt supermodel, doesn't mean it can't be categorized for where it lies on the overall range of depictions. You want to say that because there are certain images of her as skinny means that Gadot falls safely within a broad range. She doesn't.
That's exactly what it means.
I'm telling you that you can't use comics as your reference here because not only is she skinny, she has nothing going on up top. Even in the range you're alluding to the only way you could come up short in both areas is if you were reading the Blackest Night. I don't say that because I'm fetishizing her, I'm saying it because like Superman, this female needs significant physical presence and breast are intractably part of that.
I can use comics, and still running the petty complaints, that is still nothing
but personal preference.
Here you go!
View attachment 110765
Even with Lynda's bouffant, Gal looks more like the Leader. Look at those arms and legs, no difference at all.
Disregarding the sarcasm, you're right, head on both is the same size, and both their wrists end in the exact same spot, arms are slightly thinner on Gadot's, like I said, minimal, thank you for proving that.
No, the insistence that skinny is somehow not atypical for WW (which would still be typical btw), that there is no difference outside of hips and bust between Gadot and Carter (depite the stats) or obvious visual comparison (despite distortion) in a spanish site of your choosing isn't foolish enough to deny. You might insist on crossing your eyes the rest of your life, but I'm going to call you out on it.
You are kidding yourself if you think she wasn't cast against type.
The obvious visual comparison suits me, go ahead to call me out on it, my argument still stands, I'm gonna keep calling out the delusional claims that Gadot doesn't fit some WW's representations.
You're naive if you think I'm the one in denial.
Why would I stand by your hyperbole? If the average bust in America is a D cup, maybe you need to reevaluate the comic book non-standard standard. Even the "skinny" examples you posted had a baseline bust size on a magnitude greater than Gadot's. You can't stand that apparently but you can't sit there and argue that Gadot isn't setting a new precedent for the character. That precedent is waify. You've embraced it, I've pinned it to a shadow box of oddities.
Hyperbole? Again, the guy calling Gadot anorexic?

You're saying those D cups are perfectly round and shinny, then I guess comicbooks do represent reality after all.
And now you changed the meaning of average to I don't even care what to boost your argument, you don't understand what average is and what it's composed of, it's composed of a range of elements, and average can be greatly affected by very high/low inputs, but it doesn't matter if D cup ends up being half of the American population (why American I don't know, don't care but ok) it still means that there's a whole other half of females with a range below D cups and body types, or are you also thinking that all those D cups are on typical female superhero bodies?.... sigh
She is setting a new precedent when it comes to bust size, not about slenderness, you're getting nowhere.
No you've established both what you don't like and what you find as an acceptable deviation within a range. I dispute the range you think you've established in the comics because it is certainly outside of comics, I reject your grasp of what it means to be typical and atypical. There is no inbetween. That you have believe bust size is purely arbitrary in the female form, especially in an idealized physical specimen like Wonder Woman is laughable. Of course it isn't, and you sound like an utter tool when you say it's petty to think otherwise.
No, it's not what I've established, it's what it is established and within the comics.
I never even said she was typical, you really have reading issues, I said she's not
ideal but not atypical, so if you insist on making me say typical, then yes, she IS typical considering that some designs back that.
It's obviously not arbitrary, but the fact that you think "average" means majority is a proof of how skewed your entire argument is and how you naively think that average is justification enough to grant that most women in comics including Wonder Woman
MUST have big ****s, but go ahead, keep telling me how much of a tool I am for thinking all that is petty nonsense.
You're really quite a number when it comes to hypocrisy.