Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That suit looks cool to me, I'd certainly take that, and it could make Gal look a bit more healthy.

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I would gladly accept this as Wonder Woman's costume:


Quoted again for awesomeness. Blends classic WW iconography with brilliant cues from Greek attire.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Jim Lee would not be pleased with that one. Nowhere near enough lines.

Lol, I can't find it for the life of me but that reminds of me a small comic strip I read once where Batman asks the new 52 Flash why he is drawing all of those lines on his boots. The Flash replies "It helps me run faster" only to have him leave and then Batman start doing it.

Ah. Pointless reply completed.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Ten without mentioning the flagship ones:

Red Skull
Johnny Storm
Ghost Rider
Beast (Frasier)
Night Crawler
Picard Xavier


I agree, those are some of the good ones, then again, I think I have an even larger list of bad/tactical/leatheryrubbery movie redesigns :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Being that she's been an established character in the universe, I think it makes sense if they went with a more complicated design. My favorite Batman is in Year One, when his costume and equipment were simple, but it only works for his first year. In order to continue, he had escalate with the world around him, making his outfit, and equipment far more advanced. Maybe in this world she started out with the traditional costume, but changed it over time. Besides Superman, the rest of the characters are established heroes, so you can take in what you love with the characters, and retcon it along the way. That's you do whenever a new run happens in comics, since the authors are their own person, they can't write the characters the same way.

I thought the old Superheroes costumes were based off of gymnasts and body builder uniforms back in the day, so it made more sense, since they were popular in that era, but now they're characters that started in modern times, and age in real time, unlike comic's 12 issues coming out a year. A story arc spanning that many issues could take place in a couple days. Plus the undies gave artists an excuse to not draw a bulge in the crotch. Now that censorship isn't an issue.

Costume doesn't mean anything to me, if the story isn't good. If I love the characters, I don't care what they wear.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Quoted again for awesomeness. Blends classic WW iconography with brilliant cues from Greek attire.

And I +1 that again :hi5:

I wonder how many people will be "DC's reeping off Captein Murica" when they see WW throwing the shield, cause she does that too a lot.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

How about . . . no Wonder Woman costume!?!

Cut her out and give her own film.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It'll be darkish and not show alot of skin...the original outfit is too comic bookish for the tastes (Dark Knight Returns) this film has been folowing as a continuation of the MOS universe.
The reds will be dark reds and the golds will be muted to dark copper. It still may look awesome, though.
Doubt we'll even see that outfit in this movie anyhow.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I think the porn parodies will give WW her own film and obviously with a CB accurate costume.

Or strip cavill and batffleck down as well. I'm sure the ladies wanna see them cavill abs. They could call it the 'Abs n *******' League. Ain't no justice without some serious boner alerts ya'll! Baywatch Justice League ftw. In fact, calling it right now: Hasselhoff as Aquaman.

Bathing suits and briefs for everyone, Baywatch Justice League, do it. **** you Nolan and your realism, it's TIME FOR T1TS! "America, **** yeah!"
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Would any of you be interested in a movie in the same animation style of the DC Online trailer? I think those guys at Blur are incredible.
