Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, he put the soldier down and BAM! He went flying like 20 meters away and stayed out.

Maybe I'm remembering wrong. I thought he landed with the soldier and paused to demand acknowledgment. I don't recall an immediate attack from behind. But you've probably seen it more than me.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Maybe I'm remembering wrong. I thought he landed with the soldier and paused to demand acknowledgment. I don't recall an immediate attack from behind. But you've probably seen it more than me.

Well, this is exactly how it happened:

-He put the soldier down.
-Immediately asked "you ok?" (chopper still falling), immediately after that came the KO from Nam-Ek, these 2 things happened in 2 seconds (chopper still falling)
-Camera followed Supes after the punch being thrown away several meters, at least another 2 seconds.

-After all that, the chopper still well took another 10 seconds to fall.

So he didn't waste any time, even if he didn't ask anything to the soldier..... Nam-Ek was still going after him.

Well I've watched it like 8 times in total :lol flaws and all, I love the movie.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I mean, joking aside, do you honestly believe he did not care about the lives of the civilians of Smallville and Metropolis? Do you really think he wanted them to die, or intentionally didn't save all of them?
C'mon. Of course I don't think he wanted them to die. He just didn't care that they did. And I blame the psychological trauma inflicted upon him from his father's bizarre suicide as much as the fact that Superman in this universe is a detached, unfeeling alien creature who views humans as ants. So, a lot of it makes perfect sense, don't get me wrong.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

He didn't care that they died. He's a detached, unfeeling alien who views humans as ants. OK then. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well, this is exactly how it happened:

-He put the soldier down.
-Immediately asked "you ok?" (chopper still falling), immediately after that came the KO from Nam-Ek, these 2 things happened in 2 seconds (chopper still falling)
-Camera followed Supes after the punch being thrown away several meters, at least another 2 seconds.

-After all that, the chopper still well took another 10 seconds to fall.

So he didn't waste any time, even if he didn't ask anything to the soldier..... Nam-Ek was still going after him.

Well I've watched it like 8 times in total :lol flaws and all, I love the movie.

Very well, after some consideration
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

C'mon. Of course I don't think he wanted them to die. He just didn't care that they did. And I blame the psychological trauma inflicted upon him from his father's bizarre suicide as much as the fact that Superman in this universe is a detached, unfeeling alien creature who views humans as ants. So, a lot of it makes perfect sense, don't get me wrong.

This is good stuff.

And I actually enjoy MOS.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm starting to think Karamazov80 IS in fact Lex Luthor...:lol

It's a very persistent smeer campaign, I'll give you that. Bill O'Reilly would be proud.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Also, on a more serious note, I can completely understand people disliking man of steel's story, disliking goyer, snyder nolan or all three. But within the context of the story, Superman did what he could and he devotes his life to saving the people of earth.

You can hate on any of the former names mentioned and I can see why, as they made a story in which superman wasn't capable of saving more people, either because of the situation (hello world engine, hello Zod) or because he's a rookie (hello consciously portrayed 'day 1' story). I get why you wouldn't like that story if you want a different or more classic superman story.

But the superman is a killer, superman doesn't give a **** nonsense is exactly that: nonsense.

You can criticise a story and that is totally fine, but you're just being dumb if you criticise specific parts of it without taking the full details into consideration. That's pretty much the definition of being biased I'd say. It's what all those moronic politicians keep doing in an attempt to smear their opponent. It's non-debate.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Also, on a more serious note, I can completely understand people disliking man of steel's story, disliking goyer, snyder nolan or all three. But within the context of the story, Superman did what he could and he devotes his life to saving the people of earth.

You can hate on any of the former names mentioned and I can see why, as they made a story in which superman wasn't capable of saving more people, either because of the situation (hello world engine, hello Zod) or because he's a rookie (hello consciously portrayed 'day 1' story). I get why you wouldn't like that story if you want a different or more classic superman story.

But the superman is a killer, superman doesn't give a **** nonsense is exactly that: nonsense.

You can criticise a story and that is totally fine, but you're just being dumb if you criticise specific parts of it without taking the full details into consideration. That's pretty much the definition of being biased I'd say. It's what all those moronic politicians keep doing in an attempt to smear their opponent. It's non-debate.


Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Btw, I don't wanna go back to that thread, but that helicopter thing reminds me of ASM2, when spidey saves max, doesn't he let Aleksei crash into a whole bunch of cars, send an actual cab driver in his car flying over head, crashing upside down and spidey let's all of this happen just to save Max, after which he enters into a whole banter with him, actually picking up his blueprints for him?:lol Contrary to superman being immediately punched down after saving the soldier because he wasn't paying attention, spider-man actually just banters with Max, he effing puts his combover back in place, and swings away from the whole scene.:lol

And also contrary to superman, this was spider-man explicitly IN HIS PRIME.:lol

That is why I like Man of Steel but don't like ASM2, even though the situations are comparable. In MoS there's solid reasons for superman to do what he does, even though it might still suck, the scenes clearly show why he it went the way it did within the context of the story. In ASM2? Not so much. There it's solely because they need to setup up Max Dillon and the rest just doesn't matter. That's the difference between writing that one could like or dislike, and actual bad writing.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Oh and yeah the kiss with lois THAT I DID dislike, while half a ****ing city is burning. I don't get that either as they have sequels to do that in. So yeah, that's a point I was annoyed with myself and obviously therefor concede. He should've just immediately sought out Zod.

That and the the last scene with Swanwick remain imo the only two points where they dropped the ball like my ASM2 example.

EDIT:Oh thank god, I had to check because for a moment I thought it was superman punching zod back to metropolis from space, which would've been ****ING retarded, that really was the perfect moment to take the battle away from metropolis had superman been able to. But it is actually Zod that punches Superman back to metropolis from space, which is OBVIOUSLY intentionally aimed, so that also indirectly negates the ludicrous chances of plunging back to metropolis by coincidence or by Superman's hand.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Oh and yeah the kiss with lois THAT I DID dislike, while half a ****ing city is burning. I don't get that either as they have sequels to do that in. So yeah, that's a point I was annoyed with myself and obviously therefor concede. He should've just immediately sought out Zod.

If it was me, I would spare a few seconds (even minutes) for a kiss, no matter what was happening around me. Getting lucky always come first. :lecture
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The only thing I has a problem with in MOS was the fact it should have gone silent, no sound, after he snaps Zods neck. Hearing Lois clomp down the stairs to hug him ruined the power of that moment. His pain and isolation should have been prolonged in silence as she rushes toward him. It would have made that moment much more powerful I think.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

^ That's a good point Jedi. I think I agree with ya there. Artistically speaking wouldn't have been a problem if after that silence, Lois suddenly laid a hand on his shoulder and we as an audience snap back out of it along with him. Yeah, would've like that, but oh well. Not bothered by missing it necessarily.

@DFanatic I don't think the tone of the rest of this particular film warrants that type of meta-behavior. I mean, the kiss itself is somewhat okay, spur of the moment thing, I buy it, but the dialogue.... Blugh... Both redundant and cheap.