Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I saw that dog scene coming as soon as I saw the dog. Once the tornado was introduced it was so obvious.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

While you guys are in a second chance mood, you should throw this in for a play. :lol

The Rider scenes in the flick were actually pretty cool.

Then Nicolas Cage would pop up...and...well...we know how that goes....
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The Rider scenes in the flick were actually pretty cool.

Then Nicolas Cage would pop up...and...well...we know how that goes....

I actually bought this movie because the version with him on the flaming bike box looked so cool, but I've never opened it, but now that you mention it, I may give it a quick view, at least now I have the power to ff scenes I don't want to watch.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I actually bought this movie because the version with him on the flaming bike box looked so cool, but I've never opened it, but now that you mention it, I may give it a quick view, at least now I have the power to ff scenes I don't want to watch.


The Rider is pretty ruthless and crazed in it, with a nervous "tick" (That Cage emulates in his human form to strange results) that is almost "Ring"-like and he's less "controlled" than he was in the first movie. And the director did that Jason Stratham CRANK movie so the riding scenes really have an intense feel of speed to them. Personally, I liked all the Rider scenes and thought it was a good portrayal of Ghost Rider.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice



Joe Johnston made some interesting points on the CA:TFA commentary that I'm perfectly reminded of by the two images above. Johnston stated that he was very careful to avoid CGI taking away from the drama of two of TFA's most pivotal scenes: Steve's transformation and his plane crash at the end. He deliberately had Steve encased in that chamber so people would see a real guy going in and a real guy coming out and just go with it rather than watch a Hulk-like CG transformation from Steve into Cap.

Similarly he had the plane crash occur off camera so that after the emotional final moments between Steve and Peggy you don't then have this big distracting special effects crash.

If only Zach had thought of that with regard to Pa Kent. It was such a heart tugging scene in STM, and even 36 years later you can watch his death without being distracted by any of the visuals. But looking at the two pics above, I don't see two emotional final moments, I just see one dad on a farm and another in front of a green screen.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well said Khev.

Step 1: Eliminate the dumb Tornado.

Step 2: Take the actor outside for christs sake and film a damn down to earth emotional death scene.

How hard is that!

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Johnston stated that he was very careful to avoid CGI taking away from the drama of two of TFA's most pivotal scenes: Steve's transformation and his plane crash at the end. He deliberately had Steve encased in that chamber so people would see a real guy going in and a real guy coming out and just go with it rather than watch a Hulk-like CG transformation from Steve into Cap.
So he was actually about 100 pounds when he went into the chamber, and then gained about 150 pounds and 2 feet or so for the purpose of looking like Cap? Move over, Deniro. You ain't no method actor.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

So he was actually about 100 pounds when he went into the chamber, and then gained about 150 pounds and 2 feet or so for the purpose of looking like Cap? Move over, Deniro. You ain't no method actor.

What, you didn't know Chris Evans spent months sculpting his body into that of a 10-year-old boy's?

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