Broke and happy
Finally someone that understands !
A nuke would get you a butt load of hit markers. As soon as people get killed by something a few times, it's "overpowered", so they complain about it anywhere it can be heard. This game has some things that need work, but I never felt like the damage was one of them.
I agree.
Let me tell ya, I love this game because it's fun regardless if you suck or kick ass on it.
I don't care how much i'm killed, I love this game (as I did BF2, BC1-BC2).
Let me tell you though about the one thing that does bother me with this series.
The wait inbetween rounds and not being able to move around maps how you want.
The load times between maps and not being able to back out is just plain horrible with BF3.
I'm not complaining about how long it takes to get back on the map after a death, that I like because it forces you to becareful, unlike MW3 where it doesn't matter getting killed because you just hit X and you're right back in so who cares if you keep getting killed.
Other than that, it's the best videogame period for me, as was BC2 when it was out.
My life is one of very little time to waste on games.
So when I do have time to play, it's on BF3!
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