Looks BA...cant wait to see more.
As long as it's not a repackaged Bad Company 2 with new maps
Looks BA...cant wait to see more.
damn this is going to be sick!
COD who??!?
OK just saw battlefield 3 live in person. OMG it's incredible. Go Dice!
I'm really glad we have a competitor to COD
I recently started playing BFBC2 on Xbox 360 and I love it! I'm da** excited to be a part of this from the beginning now! From the small amount we've seen this game looks amazing. I'm really glad we have a competitor to COD that keeps the innovation and genre moving forward.
So 64 players on PC,...any hint yet as to whether they are expanding the amount of players for consoles?
Also I wouldn't think that jets are going to be exclusive to one version. Was it that way in any of the previous versions?
COD's an emire, this will have to be retardedly amazing to bring it down IMO.
BC2 is awesome and IMO is already better than the last two CoD games as far as MP goes. Dedicated Servers and accurate weapons (both actual accuracy and power) plus the Vietnam add on was better than Black Ops for sure.
As long as Battlefield 3 sticks to what made BC2 better than other military shooters we're golden. Reading the article in game informer and it appears they are plus adding some cool stuff. It should have no problem being the legit military shooter we've wanted.
For me it just comes down to preference. They are both FPS MP's, yes, but some people prefer a more realistic, team based, strategy game and that's what I like about BF. That's what made my buddies and I make the switch.
We love the gameplay or "feel" of COD but we always hoped with each new version we would get the team/ strategy that's in BF. Its just never really changed and we felt overall that COD BO actually kind of took a step back with what we preferred. We're a team when we play COD. Go ahead, call us campers, we don't take offense! BO feels like it's actually catering to run and gunners, shotty guys, all that jazz. That's fine, I know people love those types of games. He** people like HALO for some reason too! I just want something more real war like, that's what I prefer.
Josh are you playing on Xbox?
It just might be, you never know.
I for one am a long time COD supporter, and I still support the franchise. I've been playing it since it debuted on the Xbox 360, every version, SP and MP. I personally enjoy the MW versions more than the Treyarch entries but I play them all. This time something just got old about them. I played the he** out of BO and enjoyed it for the most part but I was looking for something more.
Tried BFBC2 and once I got the hang of it I loved it. I even got my 3 other regular game night buddies to make the switch. As of right now, it's our favorite FPS MP game and we're playing it every Tues and Thurs. NONE of us are purchasing the map expansion for BO either and are about to purchase the Vietnam expansion for BF instead.
I'm not saying it's the norm or that everyone is bailing on COD. I also know people are diehard COD fans too. However, if the four of us, that have been with the franchise since it's beginning and ONLY played that out of the offerings of FPS's in the past....well there is a chance it might happen.
Truthfully, I don't care either way if there is a "winner" and I'm going to still play both. It will just come down to which one I decide to keep and invest my time in. Again, that will mean one of them will lose money as I won't be ponying up for expansions, etc like I always did in the past.
I like it when games like this have competition. It keeps them trying unlike games like Madden where I think they don't have any competitors pushing them.