Holy ____ that motion capture is insane.
Holy ____ that motion capture is insane.
yeah console version is gonna struggle imo
yeah console version is gonna struggle imo
Looks epic, imagine that with 64 players fighting! And Jets!
I don't think there's a pc graphics card out presently capable but will be on release
lol, how could you possibly know without the game's specs?
A brand new game with huge maps and 64 player combat, I would be very very suprised If I could just run this game maxed out on my current 2009 built PC set up.
i should say i meant maxxed out graphics
First of all gaming companies are not going to bring out a game that nobody can play and that will require everyone to upgrade if they want to play. I'm not saying a card that is 5 years old will run it properly, but companies keep it in mind that not everyone will change their PC just for their game...also, here's the assumed specs and I tend to agree with them.