Broke and happy
Jye4ever, I think you feel that way because you're playing on a small map. If you put Metro next to Port Valdez or Leguna Presa, it looks tiny and cramped. Put those same maps next to Caspian Border and they look about the same. Its a huge, open map. Kind of like Harvest Day, but with a lot more hills and trees. I don't think the game will feel even a little small when it's out.
The large maps will definately still be huge to play in, and the game will still be a squad based BF game, but everything has been shrunken down, the game now looks like COD to me.
BC2 was bad ass and unique because the world was real sized, everything was meaty.
Just look at the MCOM station compared to BC2, now it's just a little box.
DICE went and made their game a COD looking squad based game.

I will have to get used to the smaller guns, i loved the big beefy guns of BC2
Not just the guns, everything!

The tanks are now going to look like cars

I understand they wanted to add more details into the world, but they did it at the expense of what made BC1-BC2 look like real places.
For me now, BF3 looks like a videogame.
I am not happy.
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