This game is unbelievable on PC with my 580s GTX SLI
Damn, that' super buff.
This game is unbelievable on PC with my 580s GTX SLI
Yes if you play conquest large; 64 players at one time will make the fire fights intense.
That's got to be insane fun
This game is unbelievable on PC with my 580s GTX SLI
It's so hard to go back to a console isn't it? playing PC games at Ultra with max AA with textures all really crisp then looking at console graphics, everything looks blurry and jaggy.
Though the plane fights are the best in this. It's gorgeous glancing through the clouds, across the water, or over to your wingman then lots of air fights.
JYE- Next time we need to be on the same team.
It can be frustrating. A lot of people in small maps like metro. The rest of the maps are big enough.
I'll still use my Xbox controller on the PC though
Ever since I got the game I've never tried to pilot any aerial vehicle.
Dude, get on it, Jets handle pretty well, Choppers are great.
My faves are the "Little Bird" and "Viper"
I wonder who won sales wise.
that's like using Transformers box office results, inconclusive to say the least.
Kinda disappointed that MW3 didn't take the campaign category though.