Freaked Out
i like the scruffy presidential baltar, personally 

Jediguy said:so guys, how many already? Count me in too for each head.
hairlesswookiee said:im glad that this is working out!!! this could be extremely cool. hopefully if this works out well there is a possibility for future BSG figures down the road.
hairlesswookiee said:i know many people would be on for Apollo and Starbuck, but if we went for Viper pilot version the flightsuits would probably cost as much as a PF to have made. now if we could get an "exclusive" Pegasus version of Apollo i would have a heart attack.
hairlesswookiee said:hey where can i find pics of the Majestic Apollo??? that would be awesome if we could get our hands on some of those figures.
Jediguy said:the prototype for apollo was shown . i dun remember where but i have seen the pics of he figure. the flightsuit was so so coz it wasn made of the actual material used on the show. but the helmet and other gear was still useable.