First off, sign me up for a Baltar/ Six head set and my vote is for the versatile scruffy Balter. that way you could sand him and you have I-didn't-do-it Baltar or spray him with some flocking and you have spider-hole Baltar.
as for pics of Majestic's Apollo here you
and finally, a word about the Viper Pilot jumpsuit materials. this has been a tale of mysteries and woe for costumers and production staff alike. the green/gold fabric (oddly called Gold/ Silver with Green/ Purple) used in the suits, the silver cuff material and the golden back 'scales' were/are made by
Sommers and was used by the production crew in the mini-series. it wasn't till the actually series started did people start getting serious about finding/getting this fabric. once identified, a handful of people from a costuming board I frequent ordered 5-10 yard directly from Sommers and started work on their jumpsuits. when pictures of their jumpsuits and how great the fabric looked started circulating, everyone wanted in. it was at that moment Sommers decided to stop making it. oddly even the cast knew of the rarity of the fabric. when a fan approached Chief (*sigh*) and Helo (*le double sigh*) at a con with samples of the fabrics to see if they could confirm if they were the kind used on the show, the boys said something to the effect, "yes that's it. how did you get a hold of that? they don't make it any more.".
the option arose on the board to order a special run of the fabric(minimum 180 yards). since a jumpsuit takes about 5 yards, that became the minimum order for the group buy. at $31 a yard was pricey but do-able for a person sized jumpsuit. unfortunately, it was too pricey for me. with the fabric 56" wide, a single yard would have been more then enough for all my 1/6 scale needs. I couldn't justify spending $150 for 4 yards for fabric I wasn't going to need so I hit upon a plan. I offered to buy people's fabric scraps for $4.50 a square foot. I thought this was a brilliant plan but I only got one offer and it was much more of a trade (I make a 1/6 jumpsuit in exchange for 2x the fabric it takes to make it). a second group buy started almost as soon as the first special order arrived. I finally broke down and decided to get in the second group buy to guarantee to have fabric enough for future projects. the going was slower but creeped steadily to the 180 yard minimum till yet more bad news was rained down.
the $31 a yard price was one time/first time buyer special. the new price for the second group buy would be $42 + a $2 cutting fee per yard+ shipping from China. a lot of people dropped out but the minimum was reached once again. then a twist. 2 days before all money and such had to be in, there was brief message from the person in charge of the group buy saying they may have found an alterative source for the material and the order would be on hold. that was 5 weeks ago. as is we are waiting with baited breath for any new info.