The medicom berserk is the best 1/6th in my opinion. And you should opt for those or wait for a company to do it. No way in hell hot toys is touching berserk. They are dedicated to big blockbuster movie licenses mainly marvel.
Honestly I forgot I had Femto even order with goodsmile... its been in the trunk of my car for a week so I thought I'd better open it up. The base is pretty cool, I
like the scale (1:6), the price is never worth it in my opinion but w/e... got 22/300, not sure if they sold out the full edition run. I didn't like max factoy's take on gatsu but I liked the style on this.
Honestly I forgot I had Femto even order with goodsmile... its been in the trunk of my car for a week so I thought I'd better open it up. The base is pretty cool, I
like the scale (1:6), the price is never worth it in my opinion but w/e... got 22/300, not sure if they sold out the full edition run. I didn't like max factoy's take on gatsu but I liked the style on this.