That really is a beautiful display. Are those shelf extenders on top giving you the fourh shelf? I wonder if my ceiling is tall enough for that...
that looks really good Jason, what did you do with the acrylic cases you had the p.f.'s in?
No more detolfs either?
Yes those are height extension units. Actually what the units Im using are as follows:
I have a double 75" cabinet on the left with a height extension unit on top. In the middle I have a special modified single height extension unit on the bottom and a single 75" cabinet on top of that. On the right is actually 4 height extension units stacked on top of each other one with the bottom one being modified for the Speeder Bike.
Okay here is a little more detail explanation of all that I have here:
On the left I have this with this on top of it.
The middle is made up of the following
The bottom portion uses pieces from all of the following( Im going to say what pieces directly below the link):
The whole thing except the back piece of cardboard (you will still use it except in the back of the other two pieces once I put them together.
the outside sides of the cabinet.
the bottom and top pieces of this cabinet.
To build it I took the top and bottom of pieces of and this and screwed them together using a handy little tool that I have no clue what it is called but it is like a little guide that allows you to drill a nice clean hole into the wood and then put a screw in it. Here is an example on a crappy bookcase I made for my office at school except you are attaching both top parts together.
I put like 6 screws each in the top and bottom pieces. The beauty is that you will not see any of this once you get it put together with a case on top of it.
Then on top of my modified case I put one of these:
As for the right hand side I have 4 of these stacked on top of each other. I used the bottom one modified for the Scout and Bike.
The modification I made to the bottom one was cutting the middle piece. I cut it twice. The first I used for the back is just the back of thing turned around. The front is left the way that it is just cut. I put that one in there so I could make it more air tight and give more support.
This may still be confusing and I will try and come up with a better way to clarify it. I will also post what I did to get my Fell Beast vs Eagle Statue in one later. I dont thing it turned out as well as I hoped for but it works.
Yes that is what I did.Thanks for taking the time Jason, I appreciate it.
So for the left, you have the double wide and one extender, but just removed all the shelves in the extender, and all but two in the double wide. That gives you eight equally sized spaces.
With Grievous he will not fit with all 4 sabers because he is too deep basically I made the unit deeper by doing that thus allowing me to keep all 4 sabers in. I think this may also work for peoples Hulk PF as long as his height wasnt an issue.Does the Grievous not fit in one of those equally sized pieces?
There is no reason that I really did that other than that I already had a bunch of them with doors on them so I didnt have to change the doors so it worked out well. I could have made the Speeder Bike shelf and then put one of the tall units on top of that but it kind of made me a little nervous for some reason. Also I really didnt want to have to pick the speeder bike up over my headAs for the right, is there a reason you didn't just to the same that you did for the left? (One double wide, and one extension shelf?)
I'm not sure I follow some of what you're saying, but I'm wondering why you wouldn't have:
double wide with extension on top
single shelf with extension on top
double wide with extension on top
And remove the middle shelf for one of them to accommodate the Biker Scout.
Yes that is what I did.
With Grievous he will not fit with all 4 sabers because he is too deep basically I made the unit deeper by doing that thus allowing me to keep all 4 sabers in. I think this may also work for peoples Hulk PF as long as his height wasnt an issue.
There is no reason that I really did that other than that I already had a bunch of them with doors on them so I didnt have to change the doors so it worked out well. I could have made the Speeder Bike shelf and then put one of the tall units on top of that but it kind of made me a little nervous for some reason. Also I really didnt want to have to pick the speeder bike up over my head
By doing the Grievous mod it gives the set a little more surface area on the floor which is always good for tipping concerns. I dont think you are suppose to stack them this high. I just realized I could and now I can get alot more display space. It sucks to put something in the cases up that high and getting doors on that high one kind of sucks.
You could do that as well here is what I did with my Life-Size busts:
I need to actually make a depth extension for the bottom to allow the Gamorrean Guard to face forward in the case and attach Salacious tail. Im going to put more cases on the right of this case for more life size bust and lsb.
Also with tall Besta units you can also fit 5 of these doors which are 15" high which would be perfect for 12" figures. I find these doors all the time at my IKEA as-is for between $3 and $5.
Man you must have almost three grand in the shelving units and doors alone. Wow.
I was nervous about the Grevious not being able to fit. Looks like he may get a special acrylic case or something.
Thanks for taking the time, I appreciate it.
you did a good job Jason.
I sold off my detolfs last summer, just gonna buy a curio next month actually.
Did you get rid of your SS 12" Star Wars figures? I remember you had the Jabba set-up...
I also have some acrylic cases that I need to sell too.
How were you able to sell your Detolfs. I need to sell all of mine.
To my knowledge they have never made an aluminum frame door like you described. The only 50 inch by 25 inch door they had was the Vegby which was available in white frame with clear glass. I literally bought out two IKEAs earlier this year of these doors.I remember seeing a specific type of door that was at Ikea last year but when a buddy stopped by Ikea today, the workers there don't recall it ever being offered and I'm wondering if anyone can confirm what I saw.
So, the doors I saw were very similar to the Tombo doors that most people here have, with the aluminum frame and glass door. What was different about what I saw was that while it was 23'' wide, it was 50'' long (or tall). Either way, they were double the size.
I remember going home and checking the Ikea website under the Tombo section, but didn't see it. I thought it was strange that it wasn't online, but also thought that maybe it was in certain areas only.
I searched around google images and might have seen the doors, but they were under the Vegby name. I know that the Besta Vegby doors were discontinued, but did they ever offer an Aluminum/Glass version? Or was this door under a different name?
My buddy thinks I'm crazy, but I know what I saw. I even went back the next day to check the dimensions of the door, I just didn't get the name of the doors.