This show is yawnsville.
None of the drug dealer stuff is interesting or compelling cause we already know how it all started and how it all ends up thanks to Breaking Bad.
This season there were exactly two good episodes: the one where they humiliate Chuck in the courtroom, and last week's where Jimmy ruins that old lady's life.
So that means eight hours of filler. Eight hours of watching guys pull cars apart piece by piece, destroy rooms in their house, practice dropping pills into a pocket. I know they're trying to be artistic but it just came off to me as dull and way too try-hard.
This week once again turns Jimmy back into the super nice guy hero he's been since day one. We know he eventually ends up as a scumbag but they just can't commit to it. He turned down all that money just to make things right with the old lady. He's the perfect boyfriend. He even tried to make up with his brother.
In BB, he had intimate knowledge of a vast criminal network. He's no closer to that than when this show started three years ago. They've wasted too much time meandering. We're supposed to believe he gets all that knowledge and experience, not to mention three ex-wives, and a complete lack of morals to the point where he doesn't care if people get murdered, all in the span of a year or two?
I love Bob Odenkirk but this show is painfully dull. This season was by far more self-indulgent than the first two.
Can Saul Goodman show up in season four please?