Star Wars Prequel Trilogy.
Da Batman
I'm 100% certain the older someone is, the more likely they'll vote for Star Wars.Would be interested to see a correlation between age and vote here.
This works doubly so for the Nolan films, because you've got some who were first exposed to it as youngsters, and have an irrational appreciation of it because of that, and most other big fans loved Batman as a kid, so any half-way decent interpretation of him at the movies is gonna be viewed as greater than it probably is. I'm probably in the latter category with the Bat-films. This is compounded by the fact that every other film incarnation of Batman prior to this was really sub-par IMO (with apologies to fans of the Burton films, but that just wasn't close to the Batman from the comics that I knew as a kid).Nostalgia clouds judgement
Star Wars is timeless. The Nolan films aren't.
Star Wars is timeless. The Nolan films aren't.
Batmen come and go. Ewoks are forever.Star Wars is timeless.