well its one more time than you my friend,
Well you sure got me there Mr. Quick-wit.

well its one more time than you my friend,
I dont own a single custom scuplt or recast, and like Ive said before I dont care about these markets (I buy HT figs and do very little bashing) all im getting at is that a recaster is no worse than the original sculptor who is also making money off the avails of others (an actors performance is "Art" so they are copying someone slse art in a way too) and the sculptors sells his limited run, why would he care if it gets recast if he isnt going to produce more? whats done is done
Hilarious you bring up Trevor, because the reason he left is BECAUSE of others recasting his work. And my examples were logical extensions of the argument that all violations of law/norm are equal. The nature of the examples themselves are irrelevant.
This is more the equivilant of someone selling bootlegs of out of print movies.
You're still avoiding the question.![]()
And maybe Q would have never been able to gain a market had Trevor stuck around. Ironically Trevor leaving just allowed this ******* to profit substantially more.
And if you really need an explanation of why guns and drugs are different than toy heads, then it is becuase those are objects that are illegal in the first place because they are used to hurt others. Selling them illegally just leads to more crime and a general degradation of society.
Selling toy head recasts hurts apsolutly no one except for the original artist. It doesn't even really hurt them if they had no intention to release the head again. It wasnt like they were going to make more money anyways.
This is more the equivilant of someone selling bootlegs of out of print movies.
No, what's ludicrous is you thinking you're entitled to it and using that to justify supporting a recaster.
Are you comparing Trevor's work to the Star Wars Holiday Special!?!?!?!![]()
there is no question man, your trying to turn the words around, a thief copying another thiefs work is equally wrong, so dont rip on recasters when the sculptors are equally to blame
EXACTLY !!!!!!!
So I have been away from the boards for awhile due to a really full work schedule . Things are lightening up and I can get back into offering heads again. But what do I find out ? I have been recast along with others on here.
No one is entitled to recast anothers work, regardless of whether that person is currently offering heads or not! NO ONE!
Others dont get to decide when and where they get my sculpts, I DO ! These are my time, effort, and I do spend a lot of time and effort from start to finish . And THAT is the difference between a recaster and the artist!! Recasters didnt utilise and skill or time creating anything , and usually do bad castings, warped molds etc...for sure, my ripped off heads are tweaked and shrunken, Ive seen them at Frank and Sons .
I am perfectly happy to do more runs, but only when I am actually able to have time to run and ship heads. That is one reason that limited runs work better for me. I am not about to take peoples money , get busy with work , and not be able to keep up with orders, it is to YOUR BENEFIT as a customer that things are done this way. Too many projects and orders have gone horribly wrong on these boards from people taking orders they cant deliver. Aside from that, Id also like to put energy into sculpting new characters, not just using all my free time running the same ones over and over .
I have waited on others schedules for what I want , had to pay more because I missed the first go round, etc..
Guess what?, thats how life works, no one owes you what you want, when you want it!
And I am not getting rich off any of this stuff, its a hobby and fun thing to do(or was). Most of what I sell is recycled right back into materials, outfits etc.. I am plenty busy with real job stuff , and coming here usually is fun as Ive met a lot of great and cool people, its a shame some individuals feel entitled to ruin things for the others.
As far as the whole liscencing goes most of us have customs that never were made, and wont be , because there is not enough interest out there to sell the numbers needed to recoup the cost of most liscences. Some of these are replacement heads because the people couldnt get likeness rights, and who wants a better head to go on their figures ? YOU DO ! So lets drop all this rediculous finger pointing at people trying to do characters you would never have or better versions for you to show off.
If the actors and studios choose to send a Cease and Desist, thats fine, its up to them , as its more expensive to have their pricey legal team pursue a court case about, and things like this arent usually concerning finished figures in any great volume. Thats between the artist and the studio.
Its not your fight, and most of us have a cooler collection due to private artists contributions.
And artists do have rights , whether it is a comission figure or sculpt , no one has rights to reproduce your work. No matter what the subject is, the sculpture and its reproduction belongs to the artist. Along w other things out there, the Visual Artists Rights Act protects artists .
Stop buying recasts, be patient, and stop *****ting on people who spend a lot of time trying to create nicer things for your collections....or we will start dropping like flies, and you will have no options at all, and a much less interesting hobby.
I'm not turning words around. I simply asked a question that fits this situation. Since we all know you would be angry with the dude taking your check, despite the fact you were receiving it "illegally," you can understand what the artist in this situation feels like. But admitting so makes you look entirely self-serving.
I'm sorry, but you just don't seem to understand my point.And if you really need an explanation of why guns and drugs are different than toy heads, then it is becuase those are objects that are illegal in the first place because they are used to hurt others. Selling them illegally just leads to more crime and a general degradation of society.
I think that's the artist's call. It's a license holder's right to sue, it's an artist's right to capitulate, ignore it, or fight it. I don't think anything changes in the eyes of the custom collecting community, but there may be some differences of opinion there. As far as I can understand all this the legality of custom sculpts and figures is far from cut and dry though. A threat does not constitute an authoritative legal opinion.Playing Devil's Advocate here, what about the scenario where an artist is making an unlicensed character, and the owner of said character issues a Cease & Desist. Should the artist abide by that? If they choose to disregard the C&D and produce product on the side anyway, are they then violating a 'code of ethics'?
but that analogy is flawed, the recasters arent stepping infront of you and taking the money. They are making their money then the recasters are after the fact... a sculptors show the product and sells PO's then ships it when people pay, so tell me when does a recaster get infront of that? they dont they bought it to recast
Does anyone have a link to all this Q/Trevor drama? I'd like to take a glance. Wondering when Q started doing recasts. I remember buying my HT Godfather from him 2 years or so ago when I first got into 1/6.
They're taking money for someone else's hard work. It doesn't take a genius to see how the analogy fits the situation.![]()
Do you pay royalties to the people whose work you are basing your sculpting work off of?
The funny thing to me is, if people talk all this crap about "Q" on the freaks board, why didn't they confront him there?? He didn't have a table at Famcon and ANYBODY can walk up to his booth and see him there.
I'm sorry, but you just don't seem to understand my point.
I do think that placing the blame on Trevor for not sticking around, while simultaneously defending the recasters responsible for his leaving is an odd perspective for one who apparently wants to own his work. Make no mistake--the reason you can't get legit work from Trevor, and new awesome sculpts, is due to those selfsame recasters.
Yes. He should be sending royalty checks to all those celebrity's parents since they created the initial likenesses. You make a very good point.