I had the displeasure of meeting this giant f__k face Q at Frank & Sons this weekend. I'll tell you guys a little story.
I was roaming around F&S and I stumbled on his booth. I knew who it was imediatley when I saw his case of head sculpts and there was Trevs' Dex, Iminime' Ra's, Rainman's Dude amongst a bunch of other s__t that you can see in his eBay listings (yea, to those who didn't know... he has a booth at F&S where he sells HT's, SS, various other collectibles and has a case of HS, many of them recasts, that he sells openly).
He had a whole case of full figures that caught my eye because low and behold standing there were 3 Beto full sets: Pt. 2 Freddy, Fluffy, and an original Jason Pt. 3 that he did a long time ago. There was also a Darkman figure that seemed to have Beto's sculpt and coat but other aspects seemed unofficial. It was almost ironic that only after 5 minutes of being there and while staring at this display case full of these rare Beto gems I hear someone else ask, "so if you run out of stock on any of these heads, can you just make more"? I turned just in time to catch his douchey duck lipped expression while he shruged his shoulders quickly and replied in a cocky a$$ way.... "yea"... Right there he had me goin'
I asked about Beto's Freddy's Revenge. I said "is this head to toe official Beto.... or is this
some other kind of s__t? Definitely annoyed by the remark


) he said (again in a douchey tone), "nah man that's 100% real deal. Email Beto yourself and ask him. I have a good relationship with Beto and
blah blah blah blah. "How much"? He says, "$750". "Can I check it out"? He opens the case and hands it to me. I inspect and it looks official. Both hands had real metal blades, both heads & fedora looked like original paint and the brain was squishy; that would be extra hard to replicate. The boots and outfit seemed real and it was on an official TT. I told I'm I'd think it over and I'd be back.
Even though it seemed kosher I just didn't trust him based on his rep and I wanted someone who owned it to look it over for me and give me an educated opinion. After chillin' in Fancom for a couple of hours Magnus goes over with me to verify. Mags takes a look through the case and right away says that it's authentic.
I turn to Q and say, "Alright bro, I'm interested in the Freddy. Will you do $700 cash?" Again with that s_itty tone and attitude he says, "nah man, for that I rather keep it on the shelf. There's no reason to go that low and $750 is already a good price and
blah blah. Then he turns to Mags and says, "you know Beto. Just hit him up and ask him to make another one", again in his douchey cocky manner. I replied, "well I really don't think that'll happen, but....". Me, Mags & both of our chicks float off a couple of booths down and stop while I start to mull it over fir a few minutes. I'm really on the fence because honestly it was a good price (original retail). I was hoping for a deal but I knew that I'd never find it for retail again, much less in a cash and carry situation where I was able to inspect it before I bought it.
The place was shutting down in 45 minutes and I wanted to take the rest of the time that I had to decide. I walked back over to tell him that I'd come back right before closing (At this point I was pretty much gonna buy it; too rare and sweet of a deal to pass). When I got to the booth he was quickly shutting down shop and killing the lights and whatnot. I say, "that's it? Done for the day?". He's like, "yup. Outtie bro", again with that jerk off tone. That was it for me. I look at Mags and say, "F it. Let's go bro".
I get a few ailes down and I'm starting to boil up. I say to Mags, "ya know what I should've said? With all that dough you're making on selling these recasts that cost you next to nothing you really couldn't bend 50 frigin' dollars on this fig?". Mags is like "you should've said that bro! That would've been perfect!!!". I said, "we'll it ain't to late!", as I stop in my tracks and was ready to double back. Mags pretty much convinced me that it was too late and I missed my moment.
I really regret not saying what I should have but I'm happy with myself that despite I had a fantastic deal and situation in front of me, I decided not to give that d_ck bag my money.
Still looking for Beto's Freddy. If someone is looking to part with theirs PM me!