Beyond the Event Horizon Customs and Bashes by The_Darkness_Predator

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Grand Admiral Noble has joined my Imps.

Imps Grand Admiral Noble.jpg
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Considering that I have only been home a couple of days this year because of business travel, I had some help painting some resin heads. Steven Giunta painted the head and neck and my wife and I did everything else. My wife helped me with some of the sewing, i.e. there are a few stiches where I wanted the jacket to be closed more at the top.

Here is my 1/6 scale custom bash Dannik Jerriko (the smoker) (head/neck paint by Steven Giunta, Sculpt by “Enaud”)

Dannik Profile Smoking.jpg
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Thanks everyone. :hi5:

I painted these two custom / bash 1/6 scale Star Wars Gotal characters. (Sculpt by master Enaud.) I modified the head so that I could move the eyes.

gotals front.jpg

My custom/bash 1/6 scale Saesee Tiin with head painted by Steven Giunta:
Saesee Tiin side front.jpg

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Nice Gotals. I think I like the one on the left more although I like the boots and knee pads on the other one.

I need to set up another cantina photo shoot now that I am finally home. :D

Here is my best effort at making 1/6 scale custom / bash Star Wars Saurin characters.
Hrchek Kal Fas and for Sai'torr Kal Fas, I made sure I added a pair of details.

Saurins w Dannik.jpg
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Those Saurin look great man. I hope I can get mine to look that good. I see you swapped the pants out on them, looks awesome.
After several tests, I finally used the dyed (many times) Sideshow Drake pants. I tried several purchased shirts and finally decided sewing was the only way I would be happy.

Thanks again. :D
Thanks :hi5:

I wanted to take some work in progress pics in case I royally messed up when adding the fur. I was very tempted to leave off the fur and say it was Yak Shaving Day.


yak shaving day.jpg