Beyond the Event Horizon Customs and Bashes by The_Darkness_Predator

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Thanks so much. :)

This is before he gets dirty. (Weathering)

I was going to use this poncho as a place holder but it might just work. When I make the Dressellian with the eye patch, I will need to try to sew a more actuate hood/ poncho. I also think I need to make the pants less baggy (sewing).

Prune face side 2.jpg

As always, thanks goes out to Master Enaud for the resin parts, superb clothing creations, and thanks to all the other inspirational artists here.
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Oh wow he looks great. What hands are those that you used? I was always wanting to use the Kit/Ki Adi hands but they're hard to come by.
Awesome job man.
Wow - your Nikto and Pruney are just stellar. I just hope I can come close with my Nikto. The attention to detail you have is astounding.:clap
I like that character, too, but the piggy head is only a funny placeholder. I hope to eventually make an Ugnaught.

I always get a kick out of seeing what other people have in the background of their main projects. Here's one of my upcoming characters.

It does indeed look like his outfit.

I used a similar jumpsuit to make this character. I bashed (shorten arms and legs, etc.) a custom short body but it was not as short as the Tyrion body:

snaggletooth zutton inspired.jpg

I think I need to make a short body jumpsuit that is more orange. This is the character I want to make one day:



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