Bib Fortuna image thread

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I know I need a new camara but just think what this will look like when the SSC Jabba arrives.

That looks excellent. I have that same Jabba...of course it will soon be garage fodder... or garage "poodoo".

But for the last 10 years that IC Jabba has reigned supreme.
The boots on mine are very thin at the top seam, you can almost see the holes. Anyone else with this problem?
Wor-Gar said:
Break it in with Bib. :D

I plan on taking some with it over the next couple days. Got it late today so no can do today and got a game tomorrow so it will be Saturday before I can take some pics with it.
Heres a few more pix. I really do like Bid. More than I had thought I would. I'm glad I didnt cancel him when I wanted to. Not much futzing was needed with him either. Another great SW figure from SS!



And with Bid coming, my SW shelf is officially full!I wish Maul would have come with a standard size box.
Amazing display your highness! And MaulFan, as always, your pictures are SUPERB!!!!!!! Your use of the hands and gesture is unmatched. I bow before your skills! :bow
wookilar8 said:
Where's Darth Vader, King?

The SDCC one?? When everything from SDCC started to charge and ship I didnt have the funds to get him so he got canceled, and I just never picked him up after that.

Maybe one of these days I will pick him up.
got mine today on my way to work...I'll snap some pics when I get home this morning...
Maulfan, your work is always impressive...great shot there...

And King! What an impressive display! Nicely done...

First happy with the new packing...second one in a row now with no dents or the "Scum" colors/logos/ usual, photos pale in comparision to the real thing....he looks great! Relieved to see a little more varigation on him than some of the flash photos have shown...sculpt is terrific....I think I got a Buck with a bum (too long) leg....I'll look into that when I futz later...the staff is too cool, yeah, not movie-specific but still impressive....

Oh well, back to work...keep the great pics coming!
Couple more pix of Bid. Trying to find the best way to take close ups with the new cam.

Okay gang...home from work, beat as heck, but sleep will wait for Sideshow...popped him open, minimal futzing and!
Another great figure from Sideshow!

A couple of quick shots for your viewing pleasure....


amazing sculpt and detail...


"Ne chadda su goodie?"

Another great job, Sideshow...really heightens the anticipation for Jabba now....
Wow! That is a great pic! I even have the same R2-D2 figure at home as well.

These pics are tempting me to go out and snatch a Bib now, although the Exclusives are gone. Especially when I have enough points to get a hefty discount on him.

For now, I'll just sit on this fence.