It's insane. I actually know people on other forums that have given up and won't buy anything else from Big Chief. Not because of price, or from being unhappy with the quality of the final product, but simply because of bad prior ordering and/or purchasing and/or customer service experiences, which has left them with a very bad taste in the mouth, and an overall feeling that trying to buy any of the new releases is just too much of a hassle to even bother with. This is an expensive line, so distancing any percentage of what is already a very niche customer base seems like something that a company might want to actively try to avoid as much as practically possible, rather than just let fester or largely ignore
And even as someone who desperately wants to see the Who line survive, and preferably thrive, I still can't in good conscience tell them to hang in there and encourage these fans who have given up to give Big Chief another shot, or say that it was just bad luck, and that it'll get better, and easier, and more streamlined, because we're actually talking in years now when it comes to promised website and payment system improvements, and more regular updates, and a smoother customer service experience, and it just hasn't happened, nor does it look likely to any time soon. So while I choose to grit my teeth and bare it, fight my way through whatever happens, and try to be extremely patient with whatever frustrations or issues may rear their ugly head along the way, I'm frankly not surprised that a lot of fans simply aren't willing to do that any longer. I mean we all expect teething difficulties, but when you've been around for years, not months, and have released a number of products, with a slew of others put up for pre-order, and yet more future releases being worked on, the 'give us time' excuse simply doesn't cut it any longer. It just doesn't.
Sorry about going off on a rant, but I just find the whole ignoring of the importance of the website, ordering system, and customer service component to be utterly insane and counter-productive for a primarily web based business. It truly boggles my tiny little mind, it really does...