Big Chief Studios - 1/6 Doctor Who - #1 William Hartnell

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I don't mean the keys of Marius - who wouldn't know what the keys of Marius are?:slap:dunno (jk)

No, I mean the tiny pegs that come in plastic bags, same as all the spare buttons.

The gold pegs are for the clasp that holds the chain around his neck. That is what I think at least. It also can be his cuff-links if he has any
Edit: One negative I see is a rather ugly mold seam going across the top of his head. Does anyone else have that issue?
Edit2: Added a pic that sort of captures it. It's like a ridge that goes halfway around his head. Wondering if I should ask for a replacement

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Mine has it too. I think all of them have it. Mold seams are pretty much inevitable.
Mine has it too. I think all of them have it. Mold seams are pretty much inevitable.

Hmm...That's disappointing. I've never had an issue like that before. Mine also has a poorly applied gray wash that they love to do for some reason.

I'm also wondering if there is a body swap that can be done. His chest sticks out too far and the jacket fits really poorly
So far I've transplanted every Big Chief Doctor I've bought over to a Hot Toys Slim. Looks so much better.
Some of you are probably on the BCS Facebook group, but here I am again anyway :p

I had some VAT issues that slowed down mine getting posted out, but it just arrived today. Wow, wow, wow. Let me join in the almost universal praise of this figure. I've got all their Doctor Who stuff that's been released so far and Big Chief seems generally to be improving with each figure, but they really raised the bar with this one. I am a Hartnell fan and it is like having a real Bill on the shelf. He is standing there, looking stately, like he is facing down a war machine ...

I had a moment of terror when it arrived. The outside box was fine, but the tray inside was cracked, and the cane, glasses, and watched appeared to be missing. They were there, though, having fallen in with the figure himself, and miraculously they were all undamaged - even the glasses! (though saying that may make the glasses issue folks hate me).

I did have an issue with the seams on one forearm having come unglued, but I emailed Big Chief for advice and after some quick home gluing the Doctor is healing up. Should hopefully be no problem. I noticed a small black mark on the knuckle of one of the hands that came attached. I think the cloak colour leeched into the plastic. It is not unsightly, though, and it just looks like an old man's bruise if I even notice it. Someone on Facebook mentioned a similar issue that was worse on theirs. That made me worried that the hat might stain the head, but a friendly guy at Big Chief replied to that question as well, and assured me there would be no problem.

But, yes. Overall this figure is really quite amazing. The skin has a sort of subtle translucent quality that makes it look even more realistic in hand. It makes me very excited for the second Tom Baker head, and for all the upcoming figures.

My girlfriend is not a fan of my 'man Barbies' and she has no interest in any era of Doctor Who, but she's already named this figure her favourite of my collection. Hartnell just looks so classy. I can almost hear him mispronouncing my name.

I'd love to know if Hartnell's relatives have seen it and what they think of it. I think the man himself would have been chuffed.

A couple of pictures, though these are all very informal:

I've just moved overseas so all my other figures are still back in Australia, in boxes, waiting to get shipped over. It will be fun when I get to unite all my Doctors and set up my new display! Without the others on hand, and taking into account the affection one feels for one's latest purchase, this still seems like a contender for 'Big Chief's best figure'. Might be knocked off its peg when the new Tennant comes out, though, cause the prototype for that looks amazing. Tennant 2 might have to join the angels as the only ones I've skipped if I don't prop up my finances soon! :p
So far I've transplanted every Big Chief Doctor I've bought over to a Hot Toys Slim. Looks so much better.

I might have to look into that.

Is there any way to wipe off some of that gray wash? Maybe some rubbing alcohol? My doc looks like he's been rolling in dirt...
My First Doctor figure is now on its way. My dad posted it yesterday. With Chinese New Year around the corner, I won't see this figure for 2-3 weeks, but that's ok.
The lady few pics I saw here were really good.
As for rebuilding the figures onto other bodies; I must admit the TT is sturdier and just feels like a better quality figure than the BC base figure. That said, I have created a space suit figure for now (awaiting the Capaldi sculpt). I don't intend to rebuild the other figures though.

Really great figure this. Wonderful paint work.
My First Doctor figure is now on its way. My dad posted it yesterday. With Chinese New Year around the corner, I won't see this figure for 2-3 weeks, but that's ok.
The lady few pics I saw here were really good.
As for rebuilding the figures onto other bodies; I must admit the TT is sturdier and just feels like a better quality figure than the BC base figure. That said, I have created a space suit figure for now (awaiting the Capaldi sculpt). I don't intend to rebuild the other figures though.

I wouldn't normally swap out, but it looks really strange in person. His chest kind of puffs out and his jacket fits horribly - you can't even pull it closed
The problem with swapping the first doctors body wise mostly in the fact that the base body is shorter then the fourth the 10th or the 11th doctors body. So unless you find an alternate which is shorter the clothes of the first doctor may fit quite awkwardly.
The problem with swapping the first doctors body wise mostly in the fact that the base body is shorter then the fourth the 10th or the 11th doctors body. So unless you find an alternate which is shorter the clothes of the first doctor may fit quite awkwardly.

Yeah, I had wondered about that. I guess it would involve a lot of modding
Finally had the time to get my Billy Doctor all set up and in the display case. Such a great figure. And I was (pleasantly) surprised that he was notably shorter than the other releases, given that William Hartnell was only five foot eight and a half himself. Makes me glad that the shorter Doctors (McCoy, Troughton, McGann, and Hurt if they do him) will actually be shorter on the shelf, which is a detail that most things rarely bother to reflect properly.

The hardest thing when futzing this figure was deciding on just how to display him, so many options, with the cloak, hat, and glasses included (in addition to his 'traditional' look).

Roll on the next release!
Anyone have difficulty getting his head back on after taking off? I can't for the life of me get it back on
One thing about hairdryers - it's good to use a "hot box" - where you put a hole in a box, put the figure in, and then close the box. Then you put the hairdryer nozzle in the hole and force air into it. That way you get indirect hot air a direct hot air from the hair dryer can be damaging.
Weird. Doesn't that heat up the whole figure? I was thinking just heat the neck peg for a minute or 2
Weird. Doesn't that heat up the whole figure? I was thinking just heat the neck peg for a minute or 2

Well, you could always make a small hole to put the neck in. I mean, it's extra work. Just using the dryer directly on it PROBABLY won't do anything to it. It's just, when it comes to items that are this expensive, I don't love taking risks.