I wasn't that excited about this figure, to be honest. I pre-ordered because I am a completist, and at the time my main motivation was to get the accompanying John Hurt signature ... but unfortunately tragedy struck.
But I love this figure. It's up there with Big Chief's best, in my eyes. It has some niggles ... the moulding lines on the back of the head should not be there, but on mine they are not too bad, and to be honest even if you have a mirrored display cabinet you are not likely to notice the lines from the distance of the reflection. The velcro on the gaiters is a bit obvious and exposed, but I might be able to futz that, and again, it is not noticeable in standard display poses. Hair could be painted a touch better. I have no painting skills at all but at least even an idiot like me can paint hair if I get too bothered by the paint job here. If Big Chief upgrade their hair and eye painters they will immediately add value to all their releases, because this is where the ball seems to have been dropped a bit lately. People have been discussing the height ... I'd worry about this more but companies seldom seem to get this right on figures.
But the sculpt is great. The tailoring is great. The materials used in all the clothing are wonderful. The Moment looks great. I'd call this the third best Doctor Who figure Big Chief have ever put out (the only one I don't have is Tennant 2, so I can't compare it to that). I am very, very happy with mine, when I thought this would be a matter of 'Well, that's that incarnation done, and hey I technically have a figure of John Hurt the legendary actor which is great' and plonk him on the shelf (the Doctor Who completist is strong in me).
The bigger niggles (moulding lines, hair painting) are all down to factory issues, and it sounds as if Big Chief have given that factory the boot, so the future looks bright. I love my War Doc.
I didn't take great pics and these are unfutzed out of the box, with some loose threads yet to be cut, but I'd better include at least a couple of pics. I know the collar isn't popped in the show but I like the popped collar look so I have encouraged it