Hi Ray, Don’t think for a second I’m knocking or having a go at this custom quote the opposite, but saying it’s 50 times better than the one that comes with the figure is a personal opinion and I personally would think it’s a little to unfair but that just my opinion. I wouldn’t say it’s 50 times better and if I wasn’t part of BIG Chief I certainly I would still be saying the same. They are both totally different cuts of suit for a start. But looking at the details like the lapels cuffs and pockets there really is not much in it again putting aside who I work for which I know is difficult I would still be saying the same thing.
Also what free gift are you on about? Can you share this information and I’ll look into it. Again thanks for all the comments and I certainly not having a go.
While it may be a gross exaggeration to say 50 Times, and I’ve been pretty vocally hard on the suits I should offer some more constructive critisism on how you guys can improve the next batch from my point of view, which is exactly that, my own, but seems to be shared with the majority of those who have these regarding the suit. Some to lesser and some to higher degrees.
My issue is not so much the accuracy, that gets high marks in my books. Very high. It’s more the construction. I feel bad saying because i know it was expensive to design a new body but the base body is really bad and that automatically will throw off the cut.
Aside from the giant vest snaps we already discussed what works better about that suit in the picture is it seems to be more refined in the lapel areas. It may be glued not stitched, maybe less inner folding. I have no idea but either way, grabbing a recent toys city suit I see the lapels lay flat and are less bulky overall.
Also structuring the shoulders with shoulder pads will be a game changer. The shoulders were crisp in the prototypes but even Oddjob and Goldfinger seem to lack that. I’ve futzed for hours and I can’t get them to look like the prototype.
I’m not pretending at all I know better than you all how to make these but I’m offering my perspective on what I like better about other stuff that’s on the market.
If you guys can get on top of this for the next round it will be highly improved. I would suggest creating new shoulders and thighs on the body if you want to not start from scratch. This is what’s throwing most of these off. Either that or a custom padded suit for bond or the narrow guys so you can get better proportion to the head And not have the pants sink in so much at the hips etc. again a padded short situation may also help but best results would always come with a new body.
I know I’m vocal and a tough critic and I’ll own my own negativity, but I’ve said it before months ago but I do have more confidence knowing you are a part of the company. You have always had a great eye and passion for the hobby. If you all can get those factories to match your excellent prototype paint work and get a new body and some altered materials and process I wouldn’t be too worried about price hikes at all... the product would be so good that people would pay.
If you all keep raising the bar you will be among the leaders in the market.