Big Chief Studios James Bond Series

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yeah but their (HT) figures 10 years ago, while dated now, are at a comparable and in some cases better effort than what we are getting from Big Chief in this present day.

HT "clout" or not... I don't see how these knock off or unlicensed companies can get better results off of their product from what is got to be one of the same 5 factories. Thats the issue at hand for me.

Agreed. BCS figs are really nice but really nice like 10 years ago. The 1/6 Action fig market has moved on so much in the last 10 years, mainly thanks to HT's incredible workmanship and attention to quality. 10 years ago BCS figs would of blown people away.

Its not like I always praise HT, in fact I bash them quite a bit when I think they screwed up a sculpt or neglect a licence I like.

I wonder if whoever owns the Bond Licence even had talks with HT, you would of thought that maybe that would of been their preferred choice. I can see how HT would of passed up the licence with the amount on their plate already.
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Well obviously, who else's opinion could it be.

There’s a lot of hostility and disrespect in this thread. It’s embarassing. Especially from those that don’t even own the figures! It is so rare to have a rep from one of the toy company’s actually engage with us on a forum like this. People can make a point and still play nice at the same time.

For what it’s worth, I love my Oddjob. My Bond is way too tanned looking in my opinion.

I think Roger and the Baron look amazing and will pre-order them next week. I’m satisfied with the way the line is going and am confident the best is yet to come.
Agreed. BCS figs are really nice but really nice like 10 years ago. The 1/6 Action fig market has moved on so much in the last 10 years, mainly thanks to HT's incredible workmanship and attention to quality. 10 years ago BCS figs would of blown people away.

Its not like I always praise HT, in fact I bash them quite a bit when I think they screwed up.

I wonder if whoever owns the Bond Licence even had talks with HT, you would of thought that maybe that would of been their preferred choice. I can see how HT would of passed up the licence with the amount on their plate already.

Again I will say it’s an opinion. Personally I would not say the Bond figures are 10 years ago at HT standards at all.
I think new figures are not like 10 years back standards, but here are really big issue how weird looks good outfits ,if they are tailored for that one very b.c . new body.Jacket of suit looks bad fit on 007 figure with any futzing and head looks too big, but actually it's normal size.Hips of legs looks too tinny- it's all because of body...I really hope next figures like Dr No Connery will have proportion improvement.
I really love this line, but I believe it could be better done.And will be great ,if paintup of eyes could be done better...
But no disrespect at all.I wish us to get all of Bonds from BC, but hope theyr standards will goes only up.

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Decided to stop talking about Mr. Bond for a bit and have some fun with the figure.
That backdrop is great to use, and I hadn’t really paid attention to them other than just push them into the cabinet.

Had fun fir s while, and now he’s back in the cabinet.
Later, I’ll have another look at OddJob.
There’s a lot of hostility and disrespect in this thread. It’s embarassing. Especially from those that don’t even own the figures! It is so rare to have a rep from one of the toy company’s actually engage with us on a forum like this. People can make a point and still play nice at the same time.

For what it’s worth, I love my Oddjob. My Bond is way too tanned looking in my opinion.

I think Roger and the Baron look amazing and will pre-order them next week. I’m satisfied with the way the line is going and am confident the best is yet to come.

Not hostility, it just sounds a bit condescending when someone tells you that its your opinion, as if that opinion holds no weight whatsoever. I personally have mixed feelings about a rep for BCS being on the board. Its good to know someone from BCS is in the loop and hearing what we think is good/bad about the figs but is he going to be objective in his opinions on the figs?

As a collector I just want the best figs I can get, if that means telling some home truths about the figs that maybe BCS don't want to hear then that's a price I'm willing to pay. There were plenty of positives with the Goldfinger figs, they are very good but obviously there is room for improvement and I as everyone else on this board is entitled to voice an opinion.
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Not hostility, it just sounds a bit condescending when someone tells you that its your opinion, as if that opinion holds no weight whatsoever. I personally have mixed feelings about a rep for BCS being on the board. Its good to know someone from BCS is in the loop and hearing what we think is good/bad about the figs but is he going to be objective in his opinions on the figs?

As a collector I just want the best figs I can get, if that means telling some home truths about the figs that maybe BCS don't want to hear then that's a price I'm willing to pay. There were plenty of positives with the Goldfinger figs, they are very good but obviously there is room for improvement and I as everyone else on this board is entitled to voice an opinion.

Perfectly said! Agree with every point.
Not hostility, it just sounds a bit condescending when someone tells you that its your opinion, as if that opinion holds no weight whatsoever. .
Although you've made some good points, you definitely lost a little credibility with the hyperbole about 10 year old HT looking better than the current BCS Bond line. I have some of the ones from 10 years ago (Rocky Line, or Aliens line), and the BCS Bond line so far is certainly much better than those....
Although you've made some good points, you definitely lost a little credibility with the hyperbole about 10 year old HT looking better than the current BCS Bond line. I have some of the ones from 10 years ago (Rocky Line, or Aliens line), and the BCS Bond line so far is certainly much better than those....

That’s my point, I’m not being baised or anything but saying they are 10 years ago is totally a personal opinion but it’s going around here like a fact. People are entitled to their opinions of course and no one is a tougher critic on our figures than ourselves are we saying they are perfect certainly not, always look to improve. But with Rays opinions who states they are garbage, awful and frequently states this. Then why keep them? Why not report the nose rubs to get replacements? Or why not send them back if they are so bad when he first got them and viewed them? He would have been entitled for a full refund.
We frequently are being told on here we are liars or are not being honest and the moment we are honest we get shot down for it. It does seem like sometimes it’s best not to say anything but then we would get shot down for that also.
Although you've made some good points, you definitely lost a little credibility with the hyperbole about 10 year old HT looking better than the current BCS Bond line. I have some of the ones from 10 years ago (Rocky Line, or Aliens line), and the BCS Bond line so far is certainly much better than those....

Don't want shells to have to get the brunt of something I originally stated, I believe he agreed and personal opinion is obvious (as also stated here) because it's an individual parson stating it so I never understood the forum etiquette of "IMHO" to be honest. Like with life, you make your own truth and reality.

it's 2018, 2008 was the curve where they started upping their game with the dark knight figures. They actually revolutionized the hobby with those. The ones you mentioned are what I consider prior to the DK figures and are way below the big chief bonds obviously. that's plain to see (even if they did have better base bodies).

I look at the figures back around that time (post dark knight) and I think that they are on par with these big chief figures. They are not the worst thing, but they are probably the worst thing in my collection. Not saying the Big chief bonds are the worst thing in my collection, but whatever 2008-2009 figure I have hanging around for whatever reason is what I'm referring to.

But I have threezero figures in my collection.. so they may safely sit upon the iron throne of being the worst thing in my collection.

As for sending stuff back, if I can polish a turd of a three zero I can do it here. The point is I should not have to. replacing clothing or body items, repainting things etc. this is what I'm going to complain about and rightfully so.

What am I going to do when the only way I can get GOT figures is with three zero? Despite replacement heads, custom items or commissions or any other hoops the fan of the franchise has to go through that cost way more money than the initial figure. Our options are limited. Same thing with these bond figures.

the difference is that if the figures were up to par the company would get more of my money. Like Baron and Solitaire. I like LALD I love Bond, the characters are medium on my list... but I own things from crap movies like suicide squad because the Harley was such a good figure. so you can damn well bet I'd own almost any bond because of my love for the franchise.

But because the figures are not good enough to make me want them, I did not buy them. I had to stick with my only bare necessity of Moore and knowing full well I will have to replace the crap body he is on. And you can damn well bet I'll be complaining about that then too.
Don't want shells to have to get the brunt of something I originally stated, I believe he agreed and personal opinion is obvious (as also stated here) because it's an individual parson stating it so I never understood the forum etiquette of "IMHO" to be honest. Like with life, you make your own truth and reality.

it's 2018, 2008 was the curve where they started upping their game with the dark knight figures. They actually revolutionized the hobby with those. The ones you mentioned are what I consider prior to the DK figures and are way below the big chief bonds obviously. that's plain to see (even if they did have better base bodies).

I look at the figures back around that time (post dark knight) and I think that they are on par with these big chief figures. They are not the worst thing, but they are probably the worst thing in my collection. Not saying the Big chief bonds are the worst thing in my collection, but whatever 2008-2009 figure I have hanging around for whatever reason is what I'm referring to.

But I have threezero figures in my collection.. so they may safely sit upon the iron throne of being the worst thing in my collection.

As for sending stuff back, if I can polish a turd of a three zero I can do it here. The point is I should not have to. replacing clothing or body items, repainting things etc. this is what I'm going to complain about and rightfully so.

What am I going to do when the only way I can get GOT figures is with three zero? Despite replacement heads, custom items or commissions or any other hoops the fan of the franchise has to go through that cost way more money than the initial figure. Our options are limited. Same thing with these bond figures.

the difference is that if the figures were up to par the company would get more of my money. Like Baron and Solitaire. I like LALD I love Bond, the characters are medium on my list... but I own things from crap movies like suicide squad because the Harley was such a good figure. so you can damn well bet I'd own almost any bond because of my love for the franchise.

But because the figures are not good enough to make me want them, I did not buy them. I had to stick with my only bare necessity of Moore and knowing full well I will have to replace the crap body he is on. And you can damn well bet I'll be complaining about that then too.

So seeing the Roger Moore figure as shown on the images for preorder do you hate the body that’s on? Does it look wrong?
Ray, you are an EXTREMELY talented guy. I think we ALL know that...I've asked you for advice before and you've always been very helpful. It's something I definitely appreciate, and I've worked some of your techniques into my own repertoire.

I'm not sure if this is what Greggo's getting at, or maybe it's just what I'm reading into (NOT presuming to speak for anyone else), but I think it's partially because you've been a bit of a broken record. The body isn't well-proportioned. Especially for Connery (though I DO think the joints are nice and tight and it moves well, which is a step in the right direction). I think we can all agree on that. I think it's that you've said it many times, and you do tend toward being harsh. That's all.

Again, not saying you're WRONG, just that perhaps you've stated it in a way that isn't exactly constructive (though your comment above was much more so).

Not intending to make you upset, just a third party viewpoint!

Of course, whenever we communicate in any way besides face to face, we tend to infer things about the intention and tone of the message that maybe aren't meant, so maybe you are trying to be helpful/constructive, and it's me that's not reading it correctly. That's possible. Just how it comes off to me!
greggo i feel as tho any opinion shared by your customers positive or negative, dramatic, insulting or praise is worth your companies time and vastly important. it can only hopefully lead to improvements.

theres the chance that the criticism is abit over-board or colorful like the 10yr thing but after spending this much emotion can run hot.
It looks more proportionate to my eyes...but sometimes it's hard to tell. Has the body been adjusted in any way?

No difference just an undersuit to bring his chest out correctly. The thing is if you look at scenes from Dr No Connery is not always wide shouldered it’s the tailoring in his suit. There is a scene in particular in Dr No where he is very narrowed shouldered. This is the same scene that the film crew made smaller undersized furniture to make him look bigger. I would share the picture I have but sadly use my phone and I can’t attach images on this thread :(
That's really interesting! I had no idea. I wonder if tailoring the shoulders a bit differently, and adding pads, as some have suggested, would actually be MORE accurate than making changes to the body. At least for Connery - I have no idea about Moore or the rest of the Bonds.