Does the Odd Job Figure have the same issue?
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I don't own it so I wouldn't like to say. I'm sure someone else here will answer.
Does the Odd Job Figure have the same issue?
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Gregg said categorically that they would replace ALL the heads (his capitals).
As for why it rubbed off my guess is it was poor paint quality combined with poor packaging. The paint on the hair on mine comes off when you rub it gently with your finger.
Just wondering since the nose rub seems a common QC issue.
Is it because the plastic clam shells halves are sandwiched too close together? Could it have been solved with wrapping the heads in plastic or at the very least turning the head a little to the left or right when they pack them at the factory? Just wondering if something simple could have prevented this. Also since BC won’t address the issue unless you bought from them what is the recourse for other that bought elsewhere? Return them or live with it? I’m too **** about stuff like that it would drive me crazy.
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Anyone see the new Pop Toys X-26 Suits? Curious if people think the “C” version would be a good replacement suit for this guy.
The paint application is indeed not as secure as a Hot toys head for example though. Weather or not it was intended it is contributing to the paint rubs.
This I can confirm 100% I was able to rub much the paint off with rubbing and water. generally it takes about 50 q tips and a bunch of good off to strip a head.
I wonder if there was some sort of sealant they could use to get the paint more secure? I think a different kind of PVC could also help. I don't know enough about production but something is wrong.
On the head I repainted, after sealed with tamiya it seems pretty tough. when I redid his right eye it was really hard to remove the paint, even on the plastic.
It does bring up a good point though that if these are shelf dives or excessive handling paint is likely to rub off.
All things aside I still recommend Goldfinger and Oddjob. Flaws aside. I'd skip Bond and just get his head separately. That way at least you can know for sure you are getting one without a nose rub. I think its the best Connery we have seen but the body and especially the suit is not worth it. If you really want a stellar piece you can get the head repainted.
Someone else asked if Oddjob had nose rubs and the answer is yes. Although I've heard less cases of his and mine was actually OK. I think it has a bit to do with the fact his nose is a bit flatter.
Yup most definitely Shells. It surprised me too.
I should clarify that the paint rubbed off with water and a q tip and a bit of pressure alone, but it did take goof off to really clean it up but once the goof off was applied I got it right off. It usually takes me an hour or more to strip a sculpt fully this took me about 15 mins.
I think the issue is a combination between paint application and PVC type and definitely packaging.
my suggestion for next round is more subtle less thick paint apps closer to the base plastic tone and Mayne reevaluating plastic type.
Did you strip your Matrix into a T800 by chance? I've been thinking of doing that myself. I Hate the T800 offerings and slight hair style difference aside I prefer the matrix sculpt.
You were able to rub the paint off with rubbing and water, wtf. You could never do that with HT paint. I remember some time back I tried taking the paint off a HT John Matrix sculpt, I tried some meths and white spirit and hard rubbing, it didn't even remove one spec of paint. I remember I had to use some really powerful stuff called Biostrip to get the paint off.
And you can remove the paint off the Connery sculpt with water and rubbing
No wonder the figs have got all these nose rubs, if the paint is so easily removed.
More a problem with paint then the packaging me thinks. I guess if this fig decides to do a nose dive your screwed then?
The BCS Bond debacle goes on.
What do you mean with "Casino Royale offering"?They have made Bonds Casino outfits?Have you got DC ,by the way?Pop toys all in all is leaps and bounds quality wise over BC suits. Though they have flaws too. For example the "Casino Royale" offering they did was an nightmare to look good but I got it looking OK.
That being said that 26 series looks great. Accuracy wise it's not close since the lapels are different on both the vest and the jacket (for starters) and its a 1button vs 3 you could really get away with the jacket and for the vest you may even be able to do a lapel "transplant" from the BC. I have done this before.
That being said though. as a budget option I'd choose this over the actual BC suit any day for overall quality and look if you can't afford or get ahold of the Yunsil. I believe this suit would improve the look of your figure by leaps and bounds and you could get it on an actual decent body as well.
To further what I was saying. If I were eyeballing this line I'd get a loose Connery head and that Pop toys suit or even the Toys city black tux if you din't care about hairstyle accuracy for a Dr No Bond and a 20 dollar basic standard TT KO.
There are also better real metal PPKs out there.
You'd get a twice as good looking figure and shave off like a hundred bucks at least.