I think we need to give BCS a break. They're still RELATIVELY new and during their first decade they've had delay after delay 1) caused by needing to change manufacturer in China twice 2) prototypes looking rubbish so they needed to throw them away and start again 3) Covid obviously and the production plus shipping hell has mucked everything up.
It's great to see them finally fulfilling Bond, Peaky Blinders, Flash Gordon et al at the moment. Seems stuff has started moving quicker (they've even put out a 1/12 Peaky Blinders range for other Toy Sellers at the moment, those should get funds coming in to get their other stuff released earlier. We'll have Tom this year, as well as Jack and the Daleks in summer.
Bring on 2023 for the definitives, let's hope we're all still alive!
(BC are the most responsive and contactable company for this hobby and they also sort out any problem one has. )